Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I'm dipped... yesterday.... I should have stayed in bed. I went to school and found out half of the asignments I needed to do were group asignments so actually I didn't do a thing. I went home and made some drawings- I'm planning to make how-to-draws; or at least diagraphms so you know how to draw Serenay Moon characters.
Then Cat came! It was really fun and we made lasagna.... I probably will hear this for a while... it was ready and I took it out... this really bothers me... I've NEVER messed up dinner before! I dropped the bowl! I dropped the bowl on the floor! So, there was dinner... on the floor.... and a bowl in shards. That NEVER happened to me before, NEVER! Actually I wanted to cry (yes Cat, now you know, but everyone was there so I couldn't). Then my sister suggested bread and I opened the freezer... the ice dropped out of it. Bang! Icecream on the floor (but still in their package). Had to bring it to our other freezer in the attic and dropped it there again.
So, with our oh-so-great-wasted-time-and-money dinner more things went wrong.
And to top things off, I slept like hell. I felt like being awake since 5 am and dreamed about how I messed up taping Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon. In CCS the sound was gone suddenly again, but now for only 10 seconds or so. In Sailor Moon they suddenly named Ami, Amy. And I didn't know Mamoru Chiba was pronounced as Mamoru Jiba. And that attacks were changed from 'Soap Bubbles, Conquer' and 'Fireball, Conquer', into 'Soap Bubbles, Fly!' and 'Fireball, Fly!'.
AND TO TOP THINGS OFF! They started 10 minutes late! I could have stayed 10 more minutes in bed. I'm so tired. I don't think I'll do homework today; I'll try... but knowing me... this is one hell of a year of school....

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