I'm a tad angry so if you don't want to read a message filled with anger than skip this one. Do not take it personally. I hate loosing friends but even I can't take everything. Even I need to let things go once in a while. If you do decide to read it and you do take it personally then don't yell at me. I warned you not to take it personally.
Great; I got a new messageboard and BANG, I've already had more complaints than with the old one; while the old one was a lot more worse! The old one only saved a certain amount of messages so we couldn't have that much topics. You only had stupid icons to choose from when you post a message and Bravenet always has tuns of adds.
Oh yeah, and the newest complaint: the pictures. Time over time I get the same one with that the pictures aren't right and that I should complain about it- guys, it's a free service- I can't complain! Sorry to say it this rude... but: LIVE WITH IT. I'm starting to get ticked off. I only have 1 pair of hands and I only can get free services. I'm not rich you know. If you don't like it; leave. Or complain yourself at that service but not at me.
About the adds: the new one only has 1 add and if you leave it untouched it refreshes itself so it doesn't bother you again; it's like Angelfire. It's better to leave the Angelfire banners untouched so it doesn't bother you any more. Sure, once in a while it pops up again but then just minimise it and bang it's gone.
The new one also had a private message sending service. I don't recall Bravenet having that! The new one also has the ability to create polls: Boom, another thing Bravenet doesn't have. You can also climb up in rank and that's easier than people think because I already changed the rules. You only have to post 25 posts to climb up in rank; not 50 like in the beginning. Yet... for some people that doesn't seem enough.
The last part: people think I'm not mature. Hell, I'm 19. Sure, that doesn't mean I'm mature but ask Cat how mature I can be; I bet she can recall certain points that I was really mature; I just like being a child. Just compaire me to Chibi Luna; she prefers her kid side as well while she is pretty darn mature. I've seen more in life than most people think. Sure, I could whine about how I lost already about 20 people in my life; from relatives to a friend but that doesn't mean I'm mature. So, people, stop whining about me not being mature and forgive me that I want my sites available for kids too. Serenay Moon is All Rated or whatever it's called so keep it that way; even on the messageboard. I can handle mature things even though some parts are going to get a bit too far. I don't want to block or delete people but hello: everyone invited! Grow up and stop being a teenager who only thinks he or she is mature. Life is not all about that.
God, how great it feels to just let it out for once. I think I'll continue so that I can be happy tonight again.
Oh great, that was all the anger. I'm still feeling angry but I don't have any new points to complain about. Main message: Stop whining at me! I'm only HUMAN and I don't complain about free services. Don't look a given horse in the mouth, you know?
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