Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow...

Wow, look at all that snow... a table in our garden hasn't been cleaned ever since the snow started falling 3 days ago and wow... it's like 40 centimetres now! That's HUGE! And about 30 centimeters were from this morning!

And probably, tomorrow, I'm one of the few who won't have much problem to get to my work. If needed, I can even walk. Sure, I'd be on the road for about 45 minutes, but I can walk it. Though I'd totally prefer my bike XD Let's keep an eye on the weather...

Yesterday I went to André Rieu's Christmas Concert and I really enjoyed it! I doubt any of my readers will go tonight but if they do, you might want to turn away! Spoilers ahead then!

We planned on leaving early so we could be there when the doors would open, which would mean 2 hours early. Halfway we had to stop though, because I really had to go ^_^'. This stop only took 10 minutes, so we arrived at Arnhem only a tad after 6 p.m. (Doors are now open). We found the parking lot easy, but WOW! BUSY!
It took about half an hour to parc our car and then 15 more minutes to wait for the bus that would bring us to the concert hall. Seriously, there were way too little busses ^_^'. And it was cooooold!
When we got there, we had to look for our entrance, which was seriously on the other side. We first decided to make a little pitstop before looking for our places. Eventually, we were there half an hour before curtains. It took us almost 1.5 hours to parc the car and get to our places!!
I thought we had really great places, but alas... on the field is only interesting if you're in front. When everybody would stand up, I couldn't see a thing any more! Even if I stood up myself! And when I was seated, I could hardly see a thing as well. Luckily they had big screens, but to pay 75 euros to watch tv....
Anyway, the second song really reminded me of Kimu; too bad I didn't hear the name of the song *sighs*.
The music was awesome, especially when 400 trumpetplayers entered the hall to join them! 400 trumpets; all kinds of them! (Tuba, Trombone...). Amazing Grace then certainly gives goosebumps... btw, so does Memories (Cats) sung by Marusha (sp?), one of André Rieu's star singers.
Anyway, another surprise guest was Mr Wijdbeens, one of André van Duin's characters. Yes, André van Duin came as well ^_^. He's one of my fav comedians of the Netherlands. Sure, a bit over the top, but it was really funny. Such a big, big suitcase for a little conductor's stick XD.
He later came back with a woman, who he did more sketches with in the past. The photojoke was old, but still fun XD
After that sketch André van Duin came back and sang Het Dorp, a very sad, nostalgic song that's about 30 years old, maybe older. It was beautiful :)

Behind me sat a woman who sang along with every tune. And I mean EVERY tune in EVERY language. She either was part of the crew, had practised, or had visited a lot more shows. It was actually quite annoying ¬¬.
During the break, people all rushed to the restrooms. It was really crowded and you know... OLD PEOPLE ARE RUDE!

People from around 40-50 years old pushed in my back ('Hurry! Hurry!') or cut lines (and I just politely wait my turn...). Seriously, if another person from that age bracket dares to say 'Young people these days', they will hear a few things from me! Yes, young people can be rude, but seriously, the things I saw yesterday... Pot calling kettle black!!

On the way back home, I fell asleep in the car XP We were home around 1 am and I slept like a brick XD And when I woke up this morning, it has snowed again... and it's snowing still!

But hey, I'm in my bed, with a warm blanket (though I will get an extra jacket XD) and I have time... TO WRITE! FINALLY!!


Lianne said...

Old people and traffic also tends to be a bad combination. Old people these days *sigh* XD.

Good classic music gives me goosebumbs, because it's so pretty. Wish I could have gone too :).

Anonymous said...

If you consider people of 40 50 old you must be very young. Old is 80. Problem when you get older is the bladder does not work as well as when you are your 20 and when you have to go, you have to go now!!!. About the driving older people have much more experience driving and if you look at the statistics the younger ones cause most of the accidents. Not until you are in your 80s and your eyes get bad, does driving get risky. Enjoy your youth it does not last long and when you are 50 you will wonder where all the time went.
I am a big Andre fan here in the US and enjoyed reading your description of the concert, thanks a lot.
Merry Christmas

Kitty Ocean said...

Hello Anonymous, thank you for your comment! If the bladder would have been the problem, I could have forgiven it. However, the bladder was not the issue. It was the waiting in the cold (or actually, waiting 3 seconds as a whole). Or wanting to go inside. If there are 50 people who want to get inside, but there is only 1 door, it's simply impossible to get inside within 2 minutes. Pushing me in the back won't make it go any faster; nor will it make the people in front of me go faster (maybe, next time, they'll add a second door XD). Also, I was almost pushed out of my chair because of the man next to me, who couldn't wait to leave, while the encore just started (and André's encores are always 3-5 numbers). It was really uncomfortable. As for driving: I don't even have a driver's license, so anyone with one always has more experience than I have ^_^. No complaints on that ground.

Oh, and I'm 26. Not that young any more, but to me, being 40-50 is already old XP While, ironically, I don't think my grandmother is old, who is 83...

Anyway, I had a lot of fun and I hope André will one day go to the USA (again) so you can be there as well. I really enjoyed my time (despite the being pushed around all the time) and I can really recommend it!
Just do be careful with which seat you pick!

Greetings back & Merry Christmas
Kitty Ocean