Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Biological Clock

No, no, not a midlife-crisis! Not even a quarter-life one! No, no, this is something diffent.

This morning, I woke up at 7:39 am. My alarm goes off at 7:40 am.
So, cranky, I get up. 'Couldn't I have stayed asleep for one more freaking moment... *mutter, mutter* Stupid morning....'
And then I noticed: 7:41 am.
And my alarm, which is my cellphone, did NOT go off!
'Eh... where is my cellphone actually?!'
Turns out my cellphone was still downstairs and if I hadn't woken up, I would have overslept!!... luckily I always have a back-up alarm XP That one goes at 7:45 am.

Also, if you're Dutch, check out -> Artiesten. See a familiar name there?? If you are a cosplayer, or know a cosplayer, then check out the contest! The prizes are awesome =D

And who knows, maybe I'll see you there =D

Keep In Mind will be there as well :)

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