Queen's Day, oh Goody Goody Yay Yay. I wasn't sure if I would go to the flea market. The past few years it really has been junk, junk and junk. But anyway, I did go and my dad went along >_<. Oh, it's a great guy but... if he goes along he always whines that I shouldn't buy this, or shouldn't buy that, etc etc. So, I didn't buy anything- even though I saw some things that were cute.
The flea market this year wasn't that much of junk- I actually considered it a nice one. Then I saw a sign: 1 whole box filled with Smurfs- 5 Euro. And my mom is a big time Smurfs Collector. So, I went to check it out.
Guy: Whole box of Smurfs! 5 Euro! Intrested?
Me: I would, if it wouldn't have been fake ones.
Guy: But these are real! These are so real!
Me: I know real Smurfs. We collect them. These aren't real.
Guy: I know it for certain, I sold them.
Me: Well, then some people did one hell of a painting job.
They looked so ugly, I know a fake Smurf when I see one! I think they are called Bootlegs... Anyway, we call them 'Plagiaten'. My dad said that even though ©Peyo was on the feet, they were so fake! The feet were sliced off! So, we didn't buy them. Jeez- what kind of idiot did the guy think I was? If I had a 2 year old nephew (which I don't have) he would have done a way better painting job!
Then we went home and my dad slept on the couch while I started drawing again. I couldn't finish it yesterday- partly because it was over 11 pm and partly because my sister was a pain. ('I want to use the table! I want it! I want it!' - Hell, I'm busy for once, gimme a break!) I was so pissed when she dropped some puzzle books on the table, almost letting me make an inkting mistake. I was so pissed. Then I just want to throw things at her, and I can barely restrain myself. She thinks she's an only child!
And, of course, when she can't think of a logical argument, she goes yelling about my looks. Then I just know she lost the fight =P. C'mon, we were fighting over the use of the table! Where the hell does: 'At least I don't have a rotten head' fit in?
I didn't write FY yesterday. I wasn't in the mood. And I'm not sure if I'll write today. (My dad decided to repair the water tap at 8 am in the morning). I'm tired and I miss my little Muze.... so much more fun to write when she's around!!
In this blog, I will post ranting, ravings and stories about my life. Even though I'm bored often, I do have a life that's the dream of every psychologist. Because the people I meet are just as crazy as I am!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
I'm sorry I don't post that frequently the past few days. It's just that nothing happened to me and then I think that I shouldn't bother you with meaningless posts- like that test filled posts that should now finally have vanished ^_^.
Uumie (who is having a great time now- I bet!!) told me there was a guy on the internet that came to people's guestbooks and posted: 'this site sucks!'. She named a few people and said that it was so mean. But what did I say: Awh, why doesn't he post that in my guestbook?
And he did! He picked my guestbook! Wai! And guess what he posted: 'This site sucks! Will you please flame me now?'. Awe, how adorable! *pats the guy on his head* That sounded just so begging and cute! It's just that I can't come up with a flame-mail =S. What should I mail then? Everyone is entitled to his own opinion ^_^. But it sounded so cute! I hope he reads my blog now! Besides, even though nothing happened to me, I do have a life.
I'm listning to Another Orion now.....so pretty *sniffs* I bet the translation of this Japanese Song will be all crappy, but it sounds so pretty! If you are into romantic music and happen to be able to download that song.... I really advise it!
For a second I was worried that by the time Stevo and I finished Season 3, I would also be finished with posting the specials. But, I counted it out. At this moment there are 24 specials left to be posted; aka 48 weeks. I may go on vacation too this year so then I can't post- to be short.... Season 3 will get posted somewhere in 2004 I bet! =D. And I bet we have it finished way before that! I think Season 4 will be finished before we post episode 75. Are we cool or what! ^_^.
But after Season 4? I don't know. I wouldn't mind to continue with Neo Soldiers. I just wonder if Stevo has the time to write. College is much harder than High School. I so hope so!
Tomorrow will be Queen's Day in the Netherlands. I'm going out and hope to find cheap barbies or so. You can never have too much cheap but real barbies. =P. Mm, I should finish my Lady Gaia, Ignis and Luna dolls =S. Just wished I knew how to sew.... Mika would be so much easier to do!
Oh! Oh! Oh! And be proud on me! The past 2 days I did homework! Yay on me! I did the things I planned and I actually don't care at all! If I go on like this I probably finish Music and Writing.
And now I'm going to rattle a bit with codes so you will have no clue what it is but it can't be described anyway. If I am correct, I'm at 75% of the subject FY. I actually have no clue how to describe that subject. I have an exam for Logopedie; something that has to do with talking (trouble is that I'm gone the weekend before my exam but I'll just study before that and take it along). For PE I need to write reflections... done soon. Have to read articles- that will take longer, and have to make a videotape with scenes or so.
For Arts & Crafts I have to make something and I have to draw something. Drawing thing will be done soon =P. EASY! I also have to make lesson preporations....again. WHAT IS THE USE?! For Biology/ Science I have to make a lot of weird and confusing things. A LOT! For GE- something about language devellopment I have to give a presentation in 2 weeks and then I'll be done with that. Yay me!
Yes people, this is college. Thanks for listing. Made it clearer for myself now too. To be short: I have to make useless asignments again.
Uumie (who is having a great time now- I bet!!) told me there was a guy on the internet that came to people's guestbooks and posted: 'this site sucks!'. She named a few people and said that it was so mean. But what did I say: Awh, why doesn't he post that in my guestbook?
And he did! He picked my guestbook! Wai! And guess what he posted: 'This site sucks! Will you please flame me now?'. Awe, how adorable! *pats the guy on his head* That sounded just so begging and cute! It's just that I can't come up with a flame-mail =S. What should I mail then? Everyone is entitled to his own opinion ^_^. But it sounded so cute! I hope he reads my blog now! Besides, even though nothing happened to me, I do have a life.
I'm listning to Another Orion now.....so pretty *sniffs* I bet the translation of this Japanese Song will be all crappy, but it sounds so pretty! If you are into romantic music and happen to be able to download that song.... I really advise it!
For a second I was worried that by the time Stevo and I finished Season 3, I would also be finished with posting the specials. But, I counted it out. At this moment there are 24 specials left to be posted; aka 48 weeks. I may go on vacation too this year so then I can't post- to be short.... Season 3 will get posted somewhere in 2004 I bet! =D. And I bet we have it finished way before that! I think Season 4 will be finished before we post episode 75. Are we cool or what! ^_^.
But after Season 4? I don't know. I wouldn't mind to continue with Neo Soldiers. I just wonder if Stevo has the time to write. College is much harder than High School. I so hope so!
Tomorrow will be Queen's Day in the Netherlands. I'm going out and hope to find cheap barbies or so. You can never have too much cheap but real barbies. =P. Mm, I should finish my Lady Gaia, Ignis and Luna dolls =S. Just wished I knew how to sew.... Mika would be so much easier to do!
Oh! Oh! Oh! And be proud on me! The past 2 days I did homework! Yay on me! I did the things I planned and I actually don't care at all! If I go on like this I probably finish Music and Writing.
And now I'm going to rattle a bit with codes so you will have no clue what it is but it can't be described anyway. If I am correct, I'm at 75% of the subject FY. I actually have no clue how to describe that subject. I have an exam for Logopedie; something that has to do with talking (trouble is that I'm gone the weekend before my exam but I'll just study before that and take it along). For PE I need to write reflections... done soon. Have to read articles- that will take longer, and have to make a videotape with scenes or so.
For Arts & Crafts I have to make something and I have to draw something. Drawing thing will be done soon =P. EASY! I also have to make lesson preporations....again. WHAT IS THE USE?! For Biology/ Science I have to make a lot of weird and confusing things. A LOT! For GE- something about language devellopment I have to give a presentation in 2 weeks and then I'll be done with that. Yay me!
Yes people, this is college. Thanks for listing. Made it clearer for myself now too. To be short: I have to make useless asignments again.
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Hiya, has been almost 2 days already! So, some updates on the last facts:
+ The water tap is still broken. It will probably get fixed on wednesday. If things go wrong, we won't have any water left.... also not for the toilet O.o
+ My dad came home from vacation. Yes, just my dad- my mom is still in France. No, they didn't fight ^_^. He has to work tomorrow. And I think he'll leave friday again towards France. He went by airplane. I hate planes >_<
+ Mister Anime Jerk still hasn't replied to my accusations. You would think if you got accused to stealing you would at least defend yourself. But he doesn't. So...since he doesn't reply, he's admitting he's a cowardly, spineless thieve.
+ I wrote episode 62. I like how it turned out ^_^
+ Today was a nice day ^_^. I felt happy!
+ I also wrote a short story especially for young kids, called: 'The Closet behind the Classroom'; a story I got in my head when I saw a class in my internship. There was a big large storageroom behind a clas.... 5.5 pages- hoped it to be longer, but hey, my sw33t l33t B3t4 reader (sweet leet beta reader) loved it so I guess it turned out okay. ^_^
+ My mood is OKAY (besides the being angry on a certain jerk part)
+ I'm going to write FY 31 asap now ^_^.
+ The water tap is still broken. It will probably get fixed on wednesday. If things go wrong, we won't have any water left.... also not for the toilet O.o
+ My dad came home from vacation. Yes, just my dad- my mom is still in France. No, they didn't fight ^_^. He has to work tomorrow. And I think he'll leave friday again towards France. He went by airplane. I hate planes >_<
+ Mister Anime Jerk still hasn't replied to my accusations. You would think if you got accused to stealing you would at least defend yourself. But he doesn't. So...since he doesn't reply, he's admitting he's a cowardly, spineless thieve.
+ I wrote episode 62. I like how it turned out ^_^
+ Today was a nice day ^_^. I felt happy!
+ I also wrote a short story especially for young kids, called: 'The Closet behind the Classroom'; a story I got in my head when I saw a class in my internship. There was a big large storageroom behind a clas.... 5.5 pages- hoped it to be longer, but hey, my sw33t l33t B3t4 reader (sweet leet beta reader) loved it so I guess it turned out okay. ^_^
+ My mood is OKAY (besides the being angry on a certain jerk part)
+ I'm going to write FY 31 asap now ^_^.
Friday, April 25, 2003
Well, too many things happened for a big story, so here is some facts:
+ My sister killed the water-tap (long live my dictionairy!) and we have to use the shower-water-tap to brush our teeth. I'm getting handier with the day!! First day: tooth paste on the water tap, Second day: no tooth paste!! Yay me!
+ My mom & dad went on vacation
+ My day at school today was a complete waste of time.
+ I had to sign in for an instrument of choice for music class today. I picked keyboard. When I came to class there was 1 keyboard and 1 piano... and 10 people who had signed in. No one understood why I was pissed.
+ During Music class I asked for the notes of the accords of the keyboard. Instead of that I got a complete lecture about accords. NOT WHAT I ASKED LADY!
+ Had to go to a parc and look for plants and bugs. Teacher kinda forgot the parc was heavily poluted and besides plants there wasn't much alive there.
+ I did find something animal-ly, but the teacher didn't believe me I was write. Acted like I was a stupid twerp. But in the end he admitted I was right.
+ GOOD NEWS: I have been asked for my hand in marriage 5 times yesterday
+ BAD NEWS: they were 3 4-year-old boys and 2 5-year-old girls >_<
+ GOOD NEWS: posted episode 50. Yay for us.
+ GOOD NEWS: got episode 61 from Stevo. He's very lucky. I'm so tired and burned up I will write 62 tomorrow. ^_^. I don't recall the last time he had a 24 hour break from me =P.
+ Oh yeah, jerky Anime Sultan from that stupid Dreaming Moon RPG stole art from Demitri and hell, I'm very pissed off about that. Yeah. Very. Very very.
He crossed a dangerous line.....
+ My sister killed the water-tap (long live my dictionairy!) and we have to use the shower-water-tap to brush our teeth. I'm getting handier with the day!! First day: tooth paste on the water tap, Second day: no tooth paste!! Yay me!
+ My mom & dad went on vacation
+ My day at school today was a complete waste of time.
+ I had to sign in for an instrument of choice for music class today. I picked keyboard. When I came to class there was 1 keyboard and 1 piano... and 10 people who had signed in. No one understood why I was pissed.
+ During Music class I asked for the notes of the accords of the keyboard. Instead of that I got a complete lecture about accords. NOT WHAT I ASKED LADY!
+ Had to go to a parc and look for plants and bugs. Teacher kinda forgot the parc was heavily poluted and besides plants there wasn't much alive there.
+ I did find something animal-ly, but the teacher didn't believe me I was write. Acted like I was a stupid twerp. But in the end he admitted I was right.
+ GOOD NEWS: I have been asked for my hand in marriage 5 times yesterday
+ BAD NEWS: they were 3 4-year-old boys and 2 5-year-old girls >_<
+ GOOD NEWS: posted episode 50. Yay for us.
+ GOOD NEWS: got episode 61 from Stevo. He's very lucky. I'm so tired and burned up I will write 62 tomorrow. ^_^. I don't recall the last time he had a 24 hour break from me =P.
+ Oh yeah, jerky Anime Sultan from that stupid Dreaming Moon RPG stole art from Demitri and hell, I'm very pissed off about that. Yeah. Very. Very very.
He crossed a dangerous line.....
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
My school is so pathetic. No kidding. Today I had crafts and I was cutting something metal-wire-fencing-chicken-material... you know... the metal wires used for fences- whatever- anyway, I was cutting some metal. Suddenly that cutter decided it would be fun to grab my flesh so suddenly I had an aching hand and a cutter with some flesh in it.
So, I went al DANG, SHIT, I've hurt myself! And walked to the water (what the hell is that thing called that the water comes out?!) to clean the wound. Quite a big and deep wound for hand and at first it didn't bleed. So, I cleaned it and wanted to take some paper towels to dry it... WTF- there were no paper towels left! I had to walk for 2 minutes before I found paper towels.
When I returned that freaking thing decided to go bleeding so I asked for a bandaid. The woman stared blankly at me... bandaid? So, she looked for her first aid kit (hidden in the back of a closet) and all that were in it were big bandaides- you know, that you have to wrap about yourself. But, my wound wasn't that big!
The woman send me to the janitor. Went to the janitor (4 minutes later; 6 minutes since getting the wound) and he said: ho to the reception. Went to the reception and the woman was on the phone.
In the mean while it had taken so long that the blood had already almost dried up!! It took me about 10 minutes to get a bandaid!!! A simple bandaid, not even an inch ( it was 1.5 centimeter) wide!!
And then the janitor joked: there is a big first aid kit on the wall near the crafts room, why didn't you open that one; bandaids enough!! Well hello!!! First aid kits are for BIG injuries! All I needed was a small bandaid!!
Anyway, another thing that is advice: glue and injuries don't go together.... (autch, autch!)
So, I went al DANG, SHIT, I've hurt myself! And walked to the water (what the hell is that thing called that the water comes out?!) to clean the wound. Quite a big and deep wound for hand and at first it didn't bleed. So, I cleaned it and wanted to take some paper towels to dry it... WTF- there were no paper towels left! I had to walk for 2 minutes before I found paper towels.
When I returned that freaking thing decided to go bleeding so I asked for a bandaid. The woman stared blankly at me... bandaid? So, she looked for her first aid kit (hidden in the back of a closet) and all that were in it were big bandaides- you know, that you have to wrap about yourself. But, my wound wasn't that big!
The woman send me to the janitor. Went to the janitor (4 minutes later; 6 minutes since getting the wound) and he said: ho to the reception. Went to the reception and the woman was on the phone.
In the mean while it had taken so long that the blood had already almost dried up!! It took me about 10 minutes to get a bandaid!!! A simple bandaid, not even an inch ( it was 1.5 centimeter) wide!!
And then the janitor joked: there is a big first aid kit on the wall near the crafts room, why didn't you open that one; bandaids enough!! Well hello!!! First aid kits are for BIG injuries! All I needed was a small bandaid!!
Anyway, another thing that is advice: glue and injuries don't go together.... (autch, autch!)
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Dang. That's just so me. Taking the wrong reader along while I had to get a signature from a teacher. Luckily the teacher was prepared so I got it on my scedule. Now I can show the people my L33T Cut and Pasting Skills!! ^_^.
I also had some form of PE too. I can't jump along like others because of my bad leg. But, I did help along with putting the stuff together. Otherwise I had to sit on the bench the whole time and then there would happen 2 things:
1) I would get bored to death.
2) They would think I was a lazy *** and that I don't have the class-spirit... so, I helped.
I had to lift something but eventually I couldn't hold it anymore. So I called for help. Nobody came. I called again, and now demanded for help since I couldn't hold it any more. Nobody came. So I said: 'Micheal, can you please help me because I can't hold it any more! I'm already doing too much with this bad leg of mine!' He came, but also said: 'You have a bad leg? Yeah right, then why do you help? And why haven't I heard about it before?'
I thought: Excuse me?! If I sit down on the bench the whole time it's not okay either! And if I mention my bad leg over and over just enough for him to remember it he'll too go all: yeah, we know it by now!
Micheal is one of the nice people of my class (though he needs to lay down on the suger sometimes - Uumie, you are NOTHING compaired to his hyperness) but hell, I don't have to mention my illnesses to all in my class, do I?
I also had some form of PE too. I can't jump along like others because of my bad leg. But, I did help along with putting the stuff together. Otherwise I had to sit on the bench the whole time and then there would happen 2 things:
1) I would get bored to death.
2) They would think I was a lazy *** and that I don't have the class-spirit... so, I helped.
I had to lift something but eventually I couldn't hold it anymore. So I called for help. Nobody came. I called again, and now demanded for help since I couldn't hold it any more. Nobody came. So I said: 'Micheal, can you please help me because I can't hold it any more! I'm already doing too much with this bad leg of mine!' He came, but also said: 'You have a bad leg? Yeah right, then why do you help? And why haven't I heard about it before?'
I thought: Excuse me?! If I sit down on the bench the whole time it's not okay either! And if I mention my bad leg over and over just enough for him to remember it he'll too go all: yeah, we know it by now!
Micheal is one of the nice people of my class (though he needs to lay down on the suger sometimes - Uumie, you are NOTHING compaired to his hyperness) but hell, I don't have to mention my illnesses to all in my class, do I?
Monday, April 21, 2003
MY SISTER IS MOVING OUT! Well, officially not yet. My dad knows a guy who wants to sell his house and yesterday my sister and her boyfriend went to check it out. They now will try to find a way to get the money cuz they love that place! And it will be the first time living together for them as well.
I like it! Sister moving out!! Dunno why; feels great. Maybe because I heard so much great stories from Cat. Though... it's sad too. Even though I hardly see her nowadays (and we still fight >_<) I'm gonna miss her. She IS my sister.
Mm... SARS... and I have a friend in Japan (more than 1 actually).... why am I worried? I heard that SARS reached Japan as well, and someone in Europe died of it as well. WAAAAAAAAH! (Yeah, I tend to freak out easily).
FY is going well... took on another project.... Man, so much projects!! And then I might get busier for school next year! How will I manage?! Oh, don't worry, I ALWAYS find a way ^_^. Maybe I won't have that much time left but hell, I ALWAYS manage to find time.
I like it! Sister moving out!! Dunno why; feels great. Maybe because I heard so much great stories from Cat. Though... it's sad too. Even though I hardly see her nowadays (and we still fight >_<) I'm gonna miss her. She IS my sister.
Mm... SARS... and I have a friend in Japan (more than 1 actually).... why am I worried? I heard that SARS reached Japan as well, and someone in Europe died of it as well. WAAAAAAAAH! (Yeah, I tend to freak out easily).
FY is going well... took on another project.... Man, so much projects!! And then I might get busier for school next year! How will I manage?! Oh, don't worry, I ALWAYS find a way ^_^. Maybe I won't have that much time left but hell, I ALWAYS manage to find time.
Saturday, April 19, 2003
Something I just remembered. Yesterday my dad, my mom and me went to a garden-mall. Dunno what it's class. Anyway, I accidentelly stepped on someone's toes and I apologised, even asked if she was all right. Guess what she said?!?!
'Well... you're lucky! I used to hit people without thinking for something like this!'
Okay...why did that insane woman suddenly freak me out?! O.o
'Well... you're lucky! I used to hit people without thinking for something like this!'
Okay...why did that insane woman suddenly freak me out?! O.o
Thursday, April 17, 2003
What happened today? I hid eggs for the kids in my internship and they went all: OOOOO! The Easter Bunny came!!!! Look Miss Kitt, eggs!! (Hey, how do you know where to look Miss Kitt?) Nothing more actually. Was quite fun. Having breakfast with those kiddies....
Note to self. Boiling water is hot. Do not touch.
Oh yeah, slept like hell- again. Wrote FY- again. 27 eps done- aga- oh wait. Can't say that.
Note to self. Boiling water is hot. Do not touch.
Oh yeah, slept like hell- again. Wrote FY- again. 27 eps done- aga- oh wait. Can't say that.

Saluton! I thinkas ke you sxouldus lerni ESPERANTO
without hesitati longe. Kontinuu kaj meetu
lotsa de newajn friendojn! Esperanto ruuuulas!
What language are you supposed to speak?
brought to you by Quizilla
Okay.....,until today I never knew I loved being among people. Oh, I like people.... just not too much at the same time ^_^. This test was a bit too hyper for me =P

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Mmmmm....so NOT me!
Your Heart is Yellow
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
*Eeps!!* How did they know?!
I also took the 'what is your secret power test', but I didn't like the answer. The first result was 'turning people into stone'- that I would hate people. Can I help it that my computer IS smarter than my classmates?! Second result was Psychic- looing into the future. That scares me.

To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
Logical? Me? What have YOU been drinking when you made that test?!
You're A Hero!
You live to save the world! You are honest, true,
and always victorious! You may not always get
the girls/boys, but all you really want to do
is battle the bad guys.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ah.....................tha dream ^_^
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
*Does a happy dance; singing* Oh, It's great! It feels good! I got a 9 out of 10 for my website I had to make for school! =D And it has never been this easy to get a grade like this!! I only worked 2.5 hours on this site =D. So, I SO RULE! 9 out of 10 for this crappy dutch site: www.geocities.com/kim2e2003!! (It's Dutch btw). My teacher advised me to make the site more 'playful' and that I should enter a website design competition ^_^. Okay, I will... who cares?
And now... for some tests....

What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
Except for the food it's pretty right

You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
And once again....I'm Aries- a FIRE sign. But water keeps on dragging me to it. *sniff* I wished I was Heaven- that sounds way cooler!

You're most like Princess Kakyuu!
Which Starlight Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yeeee! Nifty!!! Heheeee! And not cheating! (people say a lot I'm a leader thingie- but hell I'm so NOT)

Posidon god of the sea
What Greek god or goddess are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla
It's Poseidon, but who's counting >_<. Why does Water and Fire keep on crossing my path?!

La Moon!
Despite your breathtaking inner beauty, you're
still a warrior at heart. You fight until
there's nothing left to give, and aren't
generally suprised when you win.
Quiz by BlackCitan
Which Sera-Myu Song Represents You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you
have a bright and cheery exterior!
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Okay......sun = one big ball of FIRE! See?! Water & Fire!!
More tomorrow!!!
And now... for some tests....

What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
Except for the food it's pretty right

You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
And once again....I'm Aries- a FIRE sign. But water keeps on dragging me to it. *sniff* I wished I was Heaven- that sounds way cooler!

You're most like Princess Kakyuu!
Which Starlight Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yeeee! Nifty!!! Heheeee! And not cheating! (people say a lot I'm a leader thingie- but hell I'm so NOT)
Posidon god of the sea
What Greek god or goddess are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla
It's Poseidon, but who's counting >_<. Why does Water and Fire keep on crossing my path?!

Despite your breathtaking inner beauty, you're
still a warrior at heart. You fight until
there's nothing left to give, and aren't
generally suprised when you win.
Quiz by BlackCitan
Which Sera-Myu Song Represents You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you
have a bright and cheery exterior!
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Okay......sun = one big ball of FIRE! See?! Water & Fire!!
More tomorrow!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Hi, has been already a day ne? Well, what happened yesterday. First my dad decided to wake me up for once. ('But Kitt, you said you had to leave early for school!' DAD! I put my alarm, now leave me!! 'But when will it go off?' It will go at 7.30, now LEAVE! 'But it is 7.30!' 7.35 then! Who cares, now leave me!!) And at that moment my alarm clock went *sad sighs* My dad woke me up about 15 minutes before my alarm would go off. I SO hate that!
And I didn't sleep that well this night either. Anyway, back to yesterday. I had 6 periods of classes and of course they were boring. The result was 11 sketches for outfits for Naraku from Forever Young. I'm already at ep 24! And that in a bit more than a month! I'm so proud! And the story is actually beginning to devellop!
I think FY will have around 200 episodes now. 5 seasons. S1 will be about 75 episodes, S2 30 episodes, S3 30 episodes, S4 30 episodes and S5 30 episodes. Rough draft I might add. Give or take a few each season. Season 1 is the biggest. Season 2 has very important information. Season 3... big changes. Season 4, acceptance of who you are. Season 5.... 9 years later. And, might I add, I'm beginning to think about a season 6. Have no idea what the goal of it will be. I will need to ask my very wise advisor.... yes, YOU uumie! ^_~
And I didn't sleep that well this night either. Anyway, back to yesterday. I had 6 periods of classes and of course they were boring. The result was 11 sketches for outfits for Naraku from Forever Young. I'm already at ep 24! And that in a bit more than a month! I'm so proud! And the story is actually beginning to devellop!
I think FY will have around 200 episodes now. 5 seasons. S1 will be about 75 episodes, S2 30 episodes, S3 30 episodes, S4 30 episodes and S5 30 episodes. Rough draft I might add. Give or take a few each season. Season 1 is the biggest. Season 2 has very important information. Season 3... big changes. Season 4, acceptance of who you are. Season 5.... 9 years later. And, might I add, I'm beginning to think about a season 6. Have no idea what the goal of it will be. I will need to ask my very wise advisor.... yes, YOU uumie! ^_~
Sunday, April 13, 2003
My mom and I counted the salamanders in our pont today. You know, those things that look like lizards but live in water? We have 2 mini-lakes in our garden (really small)- I believe they are called ponts... Anyway, about 8 years ago our neighbours caught salamanders for in their ponts (which is illegal) but they left there (go salamanders!!) They liked our ponts better. Our neighbours caught about 7 salamanders.
In 1 pont (the smallers one) we have 17 female salamanders (4 pregnant) and 23 male salamanders. In 8 years time we went from 7 to AT LEAST 40 salamanders. We can't check out the other pont, cuz it's bigger (not too big), so we should have more than 50 salamanders!
And our pont is getting full since our other neighbours pont is getting salamanders as well... the neighbours who caught them the first place still don't have salamanders....
I also worked on Uumie's gift. I'm at 90% now. Hehe. And I won't tell. And I had a weird dream. Something about being left behind or so.... And moving....and travelling....My sister was in it. I had to gather stuff because we had to leave and we might not return to that place. My sister left all sorts of stuff behind which I had to drag along.
And I got a really neat dutch mail today.....I wonder who I got it from....... Gosh- talk about a short term memories >_<.
And I guess that was kinda my day.....not much done eh?
In 1 pont (the smallers one) we have 17 female salamanders (4 pregnant) and 23 male salamanders. In 8 years time we went from 7 to AT LEAST 40 salamanders. We can't check out the other pont, cuz it's bigger (not too big), so we should have more than 50 salamanders!
And our pont is getting full since our other neighbours pont is getting salamanders as well... the neighbours who caught them the first place still don't have salamanders....
I also worked on Uumie's gift. I'm at 90% now. Hehe. And I won't tell. And I had a weird dream. Something about being left behind or so.... And moving....and travelling....My sister was in it. I had to gather stuff because we had to leave and we might not return to that place. My sister left all sorts of stuff behind which I had to drag along.
And I got a really neat dutch mail today.....I wonder who I got it from....... Gosh- talk about a short term memories >_<.
And I guess that was kinda my day.....not much done eh?
Saturday, April 12, 2003
OMG! Last night I dreamed I got my own class to teach.... and who was my colleage who would look if all went well. JERK TEACHER! WAAAAAAAAAAH!! He still haunts me in my dreams! *sniffles* Togepi, I thought you ate him! He haunts me as a ghost now! Spit him out!
On of my colleages at work was angry at me. She was so snappy all the time. And why? Because I said I didn't like Marjo. That woman walks my block during the week and when she first came she explained ME how to walk it! I walk that same piece for 3 years now!! Don't tell me how to walk my own block!
And she was angry because of that?! Man, how childish. Can't expect me to like EVERYONE.
People also asked me why I was so cynical (what the hell does that mean?!) when I talk about death. I have to. If I don't make jokes about death I couldn't handle it any more. I've seen it too often.
Well, I'm busy with Uumie's gift.... I thought I posted something yesterday? About that I walked way too long on the wrong kind of shoes... and that I found something über cute that I couldn't find anywhere else any more... Collect all 5... I have 2 out of 5 now...
On of my colleages at work was angry at me. She was so snappy all the time. And why? Because I said I didn't like Marjo. That woman walks my block during the week and when she first came she explained ME how to walk it! I walk that same piece for 3 years now!! Don't tell me how to walk my own block!
And she was angry because of that?! Man, how childish. Can't expect me to like EVERYONE.
People also asked me why I was so cynical (what the hell does that mean?!) when I talk about death. I have to. If I don't make jokes about death I couldn't handle it any more. I've seen it too often.
Well, I'm busy with Uumie's gift.... I thought I posted something yesterday? About that I walked way too long on the wrong kind of shoes... and that I found something über cute that I couldn't find anywhere else any more... Collect all 5... I have 2 out of 5 now...
Thursday, April 10, 2003
*hears the original version of it's raining men* I'm so tired, but I just had to tell you this. Remember how my last internship went? With jerk mentor and all?
This is what my new mentor said to me, after we returned from the museum (reason why I'm tired. Todlers+Museum=Tireing):
She: Well, I just wanted to say I'm really satisfied with you. I would so leave my class into your hands. Sure, a few tiny points, but you can already so much!!
Yay! She is satisfied with me =D Wee!! I'm a good teacher! EAT THAT JERK TEACHER!
This is what my new mentor said to me, after we returned from the museum (reason why I'm tired. Todlers+Museum=Tireing):
She: Well, I just wanted to say I'm really satisfied with you. I would so leave my class into your hands. Sure, a few tiny points, but you can already so much!!
Yay! She is satisfied with me =D Wee!! I'm a good teacher! EAT THAT JERK TEACHER!
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
I can't post today. Not yet. Not that nothing happened- a lot happened, but it's so much that I have no clue to start. Not only that, the only thing I know is that it bothers me. But what exactly bothers me? I have no clue! The things I heard this moring made me afraid and worried. I would love to tell you what happened, but I can't.
I just could sit here crying- finally letting those feelings come out. But why? Why would I be crying? I don't even know!
Something is bothering me. 3 things actually. And the 1st of those 3 things keeps me from sharing those other 2 things with the person who it concerns.
There are only a few people I could share it completely with. And why? Because they are Dutch. Not because it's a national problem or so... no, because it concerns an american friend of mine. But I can't even tell him. Only dutch people. Because she can't read that...
I just could sit here crying- finally letting those feelings come out. But why? Why would I be crying? I don't even know!
Something is bothering me. 3 things actually. And the 1st of those 3 things keeps me from sharing those other 2 things with the person who it concerns.
There are only a few people I could share it completely with. And why? Because they are Dutch. Not because it's a national problem or so... no, because it concerns an american friend of mine. But I can't even tell him. Only dutch people. Because she can't read that...
Monday, April 07, 2003
I didn't do that much today. Made that final. I made at least 3 mistakes- 1 of them was pretty stupid, 1 of them was very stupid and 1 of them was- how should I know that?! I hope I passed it though =S.
What more? I only typed 3 chapters for Forever Young... Ao came a bit too early, but it's okay =S. I think season 1 will have about... 60-75 episodes. Just a guess. Could be more. Don't think it will be less. I'm still proud. Already 22 episodes- all written by me!! And that's quite an accomplishment!! Usually I strand after 3 episodes or so. So, I so hope I will finish this story.
Tomorrow I'll go to school to do that writing report I didn't do. Could've stayed at home doing nothing but no.....lazy me. Now I must face the concequenses. Reminds me off, I should ask I-chan about another report we have to hand in this new period. We have a presentation coming up and haven't done a thing yet!!
But I think we already did more than the rest of the class ^_^. We already agreed we should do it this week!!
What more? I only typed 3 chapters for Forever Young... Ao came a bit too early, but it's okay =S. I think season 1 will have about... 60-75 episodes. Just a guess. Could be more. Don't think it will be less. I'm still proud. Already 22 episodes- all written by me!! And that's quite an accomplishment!! Usually I strand after 3 episodes or so. So, I so hope I will finish this story.
Tomorrow I'll go to school to do that writing report I didn't do. Could've stayed at home doing nothing but no.....lazy me. Now I must face the concequenses. Reminds me off, I should ask I-chan about another report we have to hand in this new period. We have a presentation coming up and haven't done a thing yet!!
But I think we already did more than the rest of the class ^_^. We already agreed we should do it this week!!
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Tomorrow I have my maths exam and I have no clue if I know it. It's so vague! I have NO CLUE what to expect! And it's actually the theorie behind how to teach math, so it's even more vague. We'll see =)
Thuesday I'll go to school and do that project I didn't do this period ^_^. Well, my own fault. Could have been free but NOOOOOOO, Kitty had to be lazy again!!
What more? I planned to work on the site's restyle again, but I didn't do it because a really intresting movie came: Jack and the Beanstake- The Real Story. Very intresting. You should see it if you get a chance ^_^. 2 pieces, I know, but really intresting!
What more? So far I restyled till part 34 ^_^. Yay me! Ain't I great?! And I made coloured scrollbars =D. And the stories will look long, but that's just because the screen for the stories became smaller =).
Thuesday I'll go to school and do that project I didn't do this period ^_^. Well, my own fault. Could have been free but NOOOOOOO, Kitty had to be lazy again!!
What more? I planned to work on the site's restyle again, but I didn't do it because a really intresting movie came: Jack and the Beanstake- The Real Story. Very intresting. You should see it if you get a chance ^_^. 2 pieces, I know, but really intresting!
What more? So far I restyled till part 34 ^_^. Yay me! Ain't I great?! And I made coloured scrollbars =D. And the stories will look long, but that's just because the screen for the stories became smaller =).
Saturday, April 05, 2003
I hate people who keep on thinking they are the center of the Universe! I know I have my selfish moments, but at least I don't always try to look the best, always pic on others, or always try to be more unlucky than others. I hate my work. And some other people who do it like that too.
Anyway, I'm getting a new block the 1st of May. I'll work 2 hours less, but it's also less walking, which is better for my leg.
Sometimes you just remember a dream. A few nights ago, I dreamed I lived in a big, big, big, BIG house! It was HUGE! I remember walking throught the rooms and corridors, which all had their own themes. For example, I remember a hall with armours, a hall with feathery pink dresses (why pink?! and WHY ON EARTH were they on the wall?!) and a hall with violins and cellos and stuff. That hall was nifty.
We (me and some friends) would go to a party in the same house. But, there was something evil there too!! Some being that sucked up all human's energy!! I also lost my energy (to a girl who looked a lot like me! O.o) but I did not give up and chased her. How it was possible, I don't know, but suddenly the halls and rooms got filled with water. That wouldn't be a big problem, but there was another problem: crocodiles. They were swarming all over! So, I had to stop an evil version of myself and still watch out I wouldn't drown or get eaten by crocodiles.
And, as usual.....I woke up before I knew how it would end....
Anyway, I'm getting a new block the 1st of May. I'll work 2 hours less, but it's also less walking, which is better for my leg.
Sometimes you just remember a dream. A few nights ago, I dreamed I lived in a big, big, big, BIG house! It was HUGE! I remember walking throught the rooms and corridors, which all had their own themes. For example, I remember a hall with armours, a hall with feathery pink dresses (why pink?! and WHY ON EARTH were they on the wall?!) and a hall with violins and cellos and stuff. That hall was nifty.
We (me and some friends) would go to a party in the same house. But, there was something evil there too!! Some being that sucked up all human's energy!! I also lost my energy (to a girl who looked a lot like me! O.o) but I did not give up and chased her. How it was possible, I don't know, but suddenly the halls and rooms got filled with water. That wouldn't be a big problem, but there was another problem: crocodiles. They were swarming all over! So, I had to stop an evil version of myself and still watch out I wouldn't drown or get eaten by crocodiles.
And, as usual.....I woke up before I knew how it would end....
Friday, April 04, 2003
I had a weird dream. Again. It started out with me being at the Efteling, being chased (what else is new) and suddenly I was at a camping with my father trying to light the barbecue (he didn't succeed- bwahaha!!). After a short while I was suddenly teamed up with Buzz Lightyear and was fleeing from Zurg. (Buzz?! WTF?! What the hell did he do there?! I saw Toy Story 2 a week ago!!) But, Buzz had to leave me behind and I hid from Zurg. I thought he found me, but he didn't and I hid on a secret place where more people hid. I slept there for about 10 minutes (I saw a clock in my dream, once saying 10.28, second time 10.38- I think) and then I saw a girl. She asked me what my internet name was and it turned out she knew Kitty Ocean and that she admired me a bit (gosh- I wonder where this came from?!). But she and everyone else told me that Buzz didn't care about me and that he left me behind....
I don't know if Buzz picked me up or that my dad managed to light the barbecue. ...
I handed in my reports today- yay me! I then went shopping with mommy who embarrassed me big time. (I'm NOT gonna tell you that since it's really stupid). I bought Elfquest part 62. It's Dreamtime ^_^. They altered the text big time =D (I have the original version as well ^_^)
Tomorrow I'll try to write FY 19. I think. Too dazed now....*snores*
I don't know if Buzz picked me up or that my dad managed to light the barbecue. ...
I handed in my reports today- yay me! I then went shopping with mommy who embarrassed me big time. (I'm NOT gonna tell you that since it's really stupid). I bought Elfquest part 62. It's Dreamtime ^_^. They altered the text big time =D (I have the original version as well ^_^)
Tomorrow I'll try to write FY 19. I think. Too dazed now....*snores*
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Survey from Lydia (dunno the adress from mind, it's tomboy diva) who took it from Bettina (who's adress I don't have at all). Prepare for boredom!
Do you like having your picture taken?
Not at all! *hides and hisses*
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
Japan or San Fransico ^_^
Have you ever done crossword puzzles?
Sure!! But I never manage to finish them
Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it:
It's a Magical World- Calvin and Hobbes.
Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio:
Eh, I can't understand what they are yelling at the radio right now. I think they call it rap, but it's dutch and weird= S
Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams?
I tried once ^_^. More often actually. But they just don't make sense =D. I'm so popular in my dreams! Everyone wants me! Or wants to kill me!
Can you sing?
According to my classmates: no. According to a few friends: yes
Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks?
People stare at me outside. I sing in public and don't care about it. It's stronger than me! So, yes, I sing ^_^
What's your favorite color of post-it note?
Most here are yellow. We had pink ones though!
Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone on line?
Oh yes! *remembers some annoying people who didn't even call for her!*
Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time?
NO! If that happens I'll miss Sailor Moon!!
Do you read your horoscope?
Yeah, and then laugh the hell out of me. It's written in a way it will ALWAYS come true! Besides, they always talk about my dream guy I will meet that day......*rolls out of her chair laughing*
Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why?
I think gum. Never used mouth wash.
How many times a year about are you sick?
I used to get sick 1 day each 5 years. Lately it's 1 day a year =S
Ever been in an airplane?
Yup, twice! (how else could I return?!)
What radio station do you listen to most?
It's at 3 FM sinc Sky doesn't sound that well =S. I like Sky Radio more. 3 FM makes stupid jokes.
Do you know how to play dominoes?
.....Excuse me, I finished elementary school........DUH!
What color are your eyes?
I think grey with blue. Or blue with grey.
How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime?
Way too much. I don't have a life, you see?
Name one person your life is made better by:
.......do I really need to pick 1? Like I would tell you =D. They know who they are themselves anyway ^_^
Can you do math with ease?
I barely passed my graduation. I like it, but it's HARD!
Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. I try not to think my meat had a face. I like it too much =S
How about an aspiring actor/actress:
I don't like doing things I'm not comfortable with. I love acting, but I don't want to do everything.
Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors?
None actually =S. I don't watch movies that often =S. I do play them all again when I'm drawing. Especially in the summer. I watched Hercules a lot!!
Name one of your passions in life.
Just one?! Drawing! Writing! Singing! Swimming! Acting! SLEEPING!
What's your least favorite time of day?
All. Waking up means I have to work =(. Going to bed means it will only be a few more hours till I have to work again. Waking up means I can talk to a certain person. Going to bed means I have to say good bye. The noon means I already am at half of the day. I need vacation!!!!!
What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes?
Ever listen to classical music?
I sometimes like light classical music. It helps me writing.
Have you ever said 'lol' in real life without thinking about it?
Nope. I did say Wai though.
What is the best present you've ever given someone else?
I think my friendship. My best gift would be my heart and soul name, but I'm still waiting for that special someone.
What is the best present someone else has ever given to you?
I had it last b-day ^_^. A frame with all sort of pics from me and my friends. And the drawings the todlers made for me! Oh, and the drawings from Stevo! And the gifts from Demitri!!
Do you wear a watch?
The band broke >_< It's now in my wallet >_<.
Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on:
You were unique....
Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it.
The ideal superpower would be being able to do ANYTHING I ever wanted. And what would I do with it? I would hardly use it. Magic makes you weak if you become dependant of it.
Name something you've done in the last 24 hours no matter how big or small:
I made a doll for Uumie (Chaya- the dress and especially the hair were a hell!!).
Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings?
Never. I'm afraid I will loose it.
What's on your computer desk?
Too much to describe. Mostly disks and pieces of paper.
When you're talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words?
A LOT =D. I like doing it.
Do you think you're pretty?
My beauty comes from within since I have none outside.
What's in your fridge right now?
I think overdue whipped cream. And Rice. We always have rice! And Eggs!! And cheese! I HATE CHEESE!
How many people do you live with?
Eh.... I have a mother, a father and a sister. And her boy friend stays now and then too. And I consider our 2 dogs family members as well.
What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
Going out.
Name an instrument you've never played but would like to.
Have you ever been on TV or the radio?
TV; 5 times in FULL SCREEN, 1 or 2 in the back. Radio: 1 time. Newspaper: 12 or so.
What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you?
Are you a fast typer?
Yup! And blind sometimes too.
Describe how you sleep:
I start out on my 'stomach' (dunno how to describe) but I don't know how I'm sleep since I'm asleep then =S.
Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one?
Le Petit Prince. I read the french version; didn't get it and hated it. My second internshipschool was called 'The Little Prince' and they were named after that same book. I had trouble keeping to smile when I got gifts featuring that horrible kid >_<. When I left I got a comic about the story, in dutch. Still didn't get it. Hate it. BWECH!
Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs?
People started using wai and baibai after I used it on MSN =S Not all though. Same as for nwlg? (= nog wat leuks gedaan? -> have you done something fun today?)
Have you ever bought anything just because it was a fad?
When I was a kid. Now I start buying things when it's 'out'
What would you like to do with your life?
I rather spend my whole life drawing and writing instead of working. I want to try to get Serenay Moon and Forever Young published or on tv.
Do you bite your nails?
No, I sometimes tear them off.
Tell me about your dream last night.
I hardly remember my dreams since they are too weird. It involved people wanting to capture me... again.
Are people's perceptions of you usually correct?
Not at all! People think I'm a talkative kid, but I'm not THAT bad!
When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go?
No. Let others go and then I'll try to save THIS planet. Let them polute the moon. New planet- will last 2000 years or so *sarcasm*.
Have you ever written anything on your skin?
Written, drawn! BOTH! I even painted symbols on my skin for a while. People though I was crazy.
What color are most of your clothes?
Something with blue lately.
Are things as bad as they seem?
Most of the time I exagerate ^_^.
Do you like to look people in the eye?
Nah. Especially when they yap. Then I start looking at eveything BUT their eyes =D
Do you like having your picture taken?
Not at all! *hides and hisses*
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
Japan or San Fransico ^_^
Have you ever done crossword puzzles?
Sure!! But I never manage to finish them
Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it:
It's a Magical World- Calvin and Hobbes.
Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio:
Eh, I can't understand what they are yelling at the radio right now. I think they call it rap, but it's dutch and weird= S
Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams?
I tried once ^_^. More often actually. But they just don't make sense =D. I'm so popular in my dreams! Everyone wants me! Or wants to kill me!
Can you sing?
According to my classmates: no. According to a few friends: yes
Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks?
People stare at me outside. I sing in public and don't care about it. It's stronger than me! So, yes, I sing ^_^
What's your favorite color of post-it note?
Most here are yellow. We had pink ones though!
Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone on line?
Oh yes! *remembers some annoying people who didn't even call for her!*
Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time?
NO! If that happens I'll miss Sailor Moon!!
Do you read your horoscope?
Yeah, and then laugh the hell out of me. It's written in a way it will ALWAYS come true! Besides, they always talk about my dream guy I will meet that day......*rolls out of her chair laughing*
Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why?
I think gum. Never used mouth wash.
How many times a year about are you sick?
I used to get sick 1 day each 5 years. Lately it's 1 day a year =S
Ever been in an airplane?
Yup, twice! (how else could I return?!)
What radio station do you listen to most?
It's at 3 FM sinc Sky doesn't sound that well =S. I like Sky Radio more. 3 FM makes stupid jokes.
Do you know how to play dominoes?
.....Excuse me, I finished elementary school........DUH!
What color are your eyes?
I think grey with blue. Or blue with grey.
How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime?
Way too much. I don't have a life, you see?
Name one person your life is made better by:
.......do I really need to pick 1? Like I would tell you =D. They know who they are themselves anyway ^_^
Can you do math with ease?
I barely passed my graduation. I like it, but it's HARD!
Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. I try not to think my meat had a face. I like it too much =S
How about an aspiring actor/actress:
I don't like doing things I'm not comfortable with. I love acting, but I don't want to do everything.
Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors?
None actually =S. I don't watch movies that often =S. I do play them all again when I'm drawing. Especially in the summer. I watched Hercules a lot!!
Name one of your passions in life.
Just one?! Drawing! Writing! Singing! Swimming! Acting! SLEEPING!
What's your least favorite time of day?
All. Waking up means I have to work =(. Going to bed means it will only be a few more hours till I have to work again. Waking up means I can talk to a certain person. Going to bed means I have to say good bye. The noon means I already am at half of the day. I need vacation!!!!!
What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes?
Ever listen to classical music?
I sometimes like light classical music. It helps me writing.
Have you ever said 'lol' in real life without thinking about it?
Nope. I did say Wai though.
What is the best present you've ever given someone else?
I think my friendship. My best gift would be my heart and soul name, but I'm still waiting for that special someone.
What is the best present someone else has ever given to you?
I had it last b-day ^_^. A frame with all sort of pics from me and my friends. And the drawings the todlers made for me! Oh, and the drawings from Stevo! And the gifts from Demitri!!
Do you wear a watch?
The band broke >_< It's now in my wallet >_<.
Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on:
You were unique....
Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it.
The ideal superpower would be being able to do ANYTHING I ever wanted. And what would I do with it? I would hardly use it. Magic makes you weak if you become dependant of it.
Name something you've done in the last 24 hours no matter how big or small:
I made a doll for Uumie (Chaya- the dress and especially the hair were a hell!!).
Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings?
Never. I'm afraid I will loose it.
What's on your computer desk?
Too much to describe. Mostly disks and pieces of paper.
When you're talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words?
A LOT =D. I like doing it.
Do you think you're pretty?
My beauty comes from within since I have none outside.
What's in your fridge right now?
I think overdue whipped cream. And Rice. We always have rice! And Eggs!! And cheese! I HATE CHEESE!
How many people do you live with?
Eh.... I have a mother, a father and a sister. And her boy friend stays now and then too. And I consider our 2 dogs family members as well.
What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
Going out.
Name an instrument you've never played but would like to.
Have you ever been on TV or the radio?
TV; 5 times in FULL SCREEN, 1 or 2 in the back. Radio: 1 time. Newspaper: 12 or so.
What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you?
Are you a fast typer?
Yup! And blind sometimes too.
Describe how you sleep:
I start out on my 'stomach' (dunno how to describe) but I don't know how I'm sleep since I'm asleep then =S.
Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one?
Le Petit Prince. I read the french version; didn't get it and hated it. My second internshipschool was called 'The Little Prince' and they were named after that same book. I had trouble keeping to smile when I got gifts featuring that horrible kid >_<. When I left I got a comic about the story, in dutch. Still didn't get it. Hate it. BWECH!
Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs?
People started using wai and baibai after I used it on MSN =S Not all though. Same as for nwlg? (= nog wat leuks gedaan? -> have you done something fun today?)
Have you ever bought anything just because it was a fad?
When I was a kid. Now I start buying things when it's 'out'
What would you like to do with your life?
I rather spend my whole life drawing and writing instead of working. I want to try to get Serenay Moon and Forever Young published or on tv.
Do you bite your nails?
No, I sometimes tear them off.
Tell me about your dream last night.
I hardly remember my dreams since they are too weird. It involved people wanting to capture me... again.
Are people's perceptions of you usually correct?
Not at all! People think I'm a talkative kid, but I'm not THAT bad!
When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go?
No. Let others go and then I'll try to save THIS planet. Let them polute the moon. New planet- will last 2000 years or so *sarcasm*.
Have you ever written anything on your skin?
Written, drawn! BOTH! I even painted symbols on my skin for a while. People though I was crazy.
What color are most of your clothes?
Something with blue lately.
Are things as bad as they seem?
Most of the time I exagerate ^_^.
Do you like to look people in the eye?
Nah. Especially when they yap. Then I start looking at eveything BUT their eyes =D
I so love that song tribute.....I'm listing to the live version right now.... and well.... I like the non version a bit better ^_^. Just a bit!!
So, what did I do? I made a Chaya doll for Uumie, picked up that asignment at school I had still left and what is left now:
- Maths (typing out 15 minutes and then printing)
- Site (zipping and printing everything ^_^)
Not even started:
- Writing (BOOOOOOO)
Wise lessons kids: never postpone things!! Now I have to do that on my spare time!
Anyway, my school let me know I have to buy a book for the new period. They forgot to put it on the list >_<. Idiots. I also had to give a presentation with I-chan today. We hardly prepared anything but we managed to talk quite long =P. But in the end we agreed: next time we're gonne prepare it a bit more ^_^. Anyway, the teacher said: Nice.
He didn't say that with ANY other presentation. And well, we thought ours were bad but DANG, some were worse!!
So, I have to finish my maths tomorrow night and printing everything out. I only need 2 binders this time..... I know to find 1 =S. Dang... Oh well, I'll find it!
Oh Uumie, thanks for saving my website, but the links on it only pointed to the net =(. Luckily I managed to get to my account for about 10 minutes and saved it through there. It works now offline too =D. Well, I hope =S. Haven't checked!
But I still want to draw for you! I love the new outfits from the girls, so I guess I'm gonna do that this weekend (besides studying for my final monday). No promise, just a thought ^_^.
And FY 19 .... I think friday night ^_^. Slowly I'm getting ideas. I now know how Stevo feels =P.
So, what did I do? I made a Chaya doll for Uumie, picked up that asignment at school I had still left and what is left now:
- Maths (typing out 15 minutes and then printing)
- Site (zipping and printing everything ^_^)
Not even started:
- Writing (BOOOOOOO)
Wise lessons kids: never postpone things!! Now I have to do that on my spare time!
Anyway, my school let me know I have to buy a book for the new period. They forgot to put it on the list >_<. Idiots. I also had to give a presentation with I-chan today. We hardly prepared anything but we managed to talk quite long =P. But in the end we agreed: next time we're gonne prepare it a bit more ^_^. Anyway, the teacher said: Nice.
He didn't say that with ANY other presentation. And well, we thought ours were bad but DANG, some were worse!!
So, I have to finish my maths tomorrow night and printing everything out. I only need 2 binders this time..... I know to find 1 =S. Dang... Oh well, I'll find it!
Oh Uumie, thanks for saving my website, but the links on it only pointed to the net =(. Luckily I managed to get to my account for about 10 minutes and saved it through there. It works now offline too =D. Well, I hope =S. Haven't checked!
But I still want to draw for you! I love the new outfits from the girls, so I guess I'm gonna do that this weekend (besides studying for my final monday). No promise, just a thought ^_^.
And FY 19 .... I think friday night ^_^. Slowly I'm getting ideas. I now know how Stevo feels =P.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
It has happened again........You know, a wise teacher of mine once said: if you read the asignment well, you have half the work done. That is so true. I came home today, and I found out that I needed something WHICH WAS AT SCHOOL! I just came home!!! So, I'm ALMOST done! Just half an hour of work left!!
And well, then my site for school. The teacher thought it was a bit... empty, so, I threw in some colors here, and there, and w00t! The whole page is pink with blue now. I liked the 1st one better >_<. The first one was calm... this one is......'WEE, LOOK AT ME, I'M DANCING CRAZY!'
But hey, he wanted a less empty feeling, he SHALL GET IT! And besides, I had to. I asked him for advice. If I kept it the old site, he would have gone all: 'Why on earth did you ask me for advice if you didn't change a thing!?' All I need to do now is to print out some papers and saving the new site on a disk *grumbles* And I asked J-guy to sign the guestbook and give me some advice. Why on earth couldn't he be serious about it?!
Projects done:
- Questions about Life (Religion)
- Intercultural Education
- Drama (kinda like acting)
Almost done:
- Maths (typing something small for 30 minutes and then printing it out)
- Site building (saving the whole site again (10 minutes), typing some tiny stuff and printing out stuff)
Not even started on it (EVIL ME!):
- Writing (the history, the present and what the best way to write is- not the content, but more the 'techinical stuff' like how to hold a pen)
And well, then my site for school. The teacher thought it was a bit... empty, so, I threw in some colors here, and there, and w00t! The whole page is pink with blue now. I liked the 1st one better >_<. The first one was calm... this one is......'WEE, LOOK AT ME, I'M DANCING CRAZY!'
But hey, he wanted a less empty feeling, he SHALL GET IT! And besides, I had to. I asked him for advice. If I kept it the old site, he would have gone all: 'Why on earth did you ask me for advice if you didn't change a thing!?' All I need to do now is to print out some papers and saving the new site on a disk *grumbles* And I asked J-guy to sign the guestbook and give me some advice. Why on earth couldn't he be serious about it?!
Projects done:
- Questions about Life (Religion)
- Intercultural Education
- Drama (kinda like acting)
Almost done:
- Maths (typing something small for 30 minutes and then printing it out)
- Site building (saving the whole site again (10 minutes), typing some tiny stuff and printing out stuff)
Not even started on it (EVIL ME!):
- Writing (the history, the present and what the best way to write is- not the content, but more the 'techinical stuff' like how to hold a pen)
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