AH! Sweet today! Mm, should I mention the blackboard thingie in my dayreports? Mm, I'd better should. Though I still remember each blackboard drawing I ever made, might be nice to mention in my day reports. Lemme find that day *goes off*
*is back* There, here I am. Missed me? I went to my internship today- just 4 more days left. Wai! Anyway, we also went to a tree that was said to be crawling with caterpillars. My vision: finding caterpillars easy on that tree, but you still have to look.
The actual tree.
Imagine a tree, with some sort of web covering it completely, with on each inch at leat 6 caterpillars, with nets and bags from webs hanging from them with caterpillars crawling inside!! Estimation: about 600 caterpillars on 1 tree.
And they fell from the sky. I was AMAZED! I've never seen THIS MUCH!
Luckily my only fear was that a caterpillar would fall in my open mouth ^_^. I don't fear them at all!! And if I would find a caterpillar tomorrow in my bed I wouldn't be surprised ^_^.
And Jasper made a book especially for me! SO CUTE!
What more? I just remembered it... I have kids ^_^. And the most present kid is Courage ^_^. And I'm the mom..... but guess who daddy is^? ^_^. I wonder how he would react...... I created her, but he gave her personality!! *feels evil and waves at 'daddy' with Courage*
Courage: Good luck with graduation daddy!!!
WACK! Shouldn't forget to update on thursday... 2 fan art pieces. And art from me ^_^
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