Monday, May 19, 2003

Hehe- remember that kid I said that tearing off the lit of a trashcan was so heroic? Well, the lit of the trascan is placed back where it belongs, and if you didn't know about it- you wouldn't even notice it! I didn't only accomplish my goal (making him understand how useless his act has been), but even more! He's ashamed of it! =D
*laughs* Today was my first week of internship. I'm very tired, but also very satisfied... and proud. In the morning they were quite busy because of things going differently: opening of a new project, me being there on a monday instead of a thursday and the actual teacher not being in class. Yes, you read it right: I WAS ALONE IN FRONT OF CLASS THE WHOLE DAY! And it went great! Okay, like I said, morning busy, but afternoon... ANGELS! I just wanted to paste a pair of cute wings on their back. They were adorable!
What more? I got the new WITCH. I love WITCH. Cool art!! And I can't wait till next thursday! Then I'll have the day off (and I'll finish Uumie's gift >_< Postponed it AGAIN)

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