Saturday, May 03, 2003

I'm sorry guys ^_^. I did promise less tests, but here they are anyway ^_^. Uumie made them! I had to post them! And mine are with small pics as well. Hehe- I like what Demi said- like mother like daughter ^_^.
Talking about Demi... a certain microphone and MSN worked along yesterday ^_^. So much fun! And Demi's friends were even more fun. "Look what she writes! Oh yeah, she can hear us!" *types back: yes indeed- I can hear you* "Oh, she heard us!!" And I was so silent ^_^. Still.... I wonder why they brought up the subject lemons and that they are sour..... oh well!
And today has been my first day in my new block. I came there and my place was still taken by some dweep from another block.I had to wait an hour!! But I was done so fast! And then suddenly 2 guys from my work helped me too!! I was done so fast! I knew it was a tiny block, but I was done so fast!
And the wind.... ah.... the wind was blowing so fast! I love it when the wind plays with my hair. I love the wind! And when I came home... I still had energy! No, no kidding! I even had the energy to take a shower! Only bad side was that Miss B**** acted like I was some stupid idiot again. Hell, it was my first day on that block, how am I supposed to know where everything is?!

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