I have a little cutting work to do, for my expositions in April and May... dad offered me to do it, but I don't want him! He's doing so much already! It's crazy, how much he's doing for MY event. I guess that's just typical 'Dad-behaviour', ne? ^_^
Oh, and don't think I'm not working for my events. I'm creating order lists, make certain the webshop is ready, do the cutting work... I'm doing most of the digital work, he does most non-digital work.
I guess I should get him something XP But what to give to someone who wants nothing in return? Seriously, that man wants NOTHING!
I can't even get him some wine, because he still has so many bottles left.
Maybe I should suggest my mom that the two of us take him out for dinner :)
Flowers (always a nice sign of appreciation)
I don't know if there is a Parti-shop near you or something similar, but my dad always likes it when I buy him small vials with stuff to put in your coffee (like Amaretto, chocolate or hazelnut). Maybe your dad likes that as well?
Dinner is a good option too though :).
Flowers are very expensive plus we like them more 'in the world/wild'. My dad does drink some coffee stuff... namelijk the stuff I always get XD
Thank you for your suggestion though! It's appreciated!
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