What to tell, what to tell? Well, I was 30 minutes earlier with my block and went home. At home, I played a bit from Sailor Moon Another Story (I'm now halfway Chapter 2 - Sailor Mercury; I rather take my time ^_^), but then my sister invited me to come along to a second-hand-store, where you can buy cheap stuff people already used once.
She also told me she saw a doll in the Kruidvat that had hair just like Sailor Moon; 2 buns and ponytails. And, since I'm into editing dolls again (my newest one only has to paint hair from- that one was so easy to do!! But who it'll be I won't tell XD). So, we went and saw it was a Sindy; it looked okay, but the clothes were painted on (she DID have some sort of odangos and ponytails!) and her hair very bright yellow, so I didn't bought it (another reason is that I only buy Barbie ^_^)
Suddenly a guy softly pushed me away so he could pass me. Since I'm not raised that way, (you ASK someone if they want to step aside and not push them away), I said: "Sure, I wouldn't mind getting aside!", a bit sarcastic, but then my sister: "That was very rude to push her like that JERKHEAD!"
BWAM! Right through the tiny store. All people looked at the guy XD. And, it might even be the neighbour of my aunt that lives 1 street away. The guy that my aunt has been friends with for years, but since another jerk moved into the street they don't even look at each other again.
At the recycle centre I saw my 7th grade teacher- and he still knew my name!! And when my sister came: Ah, and there comes the big sister XD.
He never had her in his class. But he was the only one that didn't call me her name. EVERY single teacher on elementary school and through the 1st 2 grades of High School (Junior High in USA) named me *insert sister's name*; especially during PE. And I have no clue why....
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