Sunday, December 15, 2002

*AATSJOO!* Drats, it's cold!! Anyway, the reason why I didn't post anything yesterday because I was so freaking pissed about my job. Okay, I did get my christmas-package-gift and it was great this year! I even got a tiny portable radio! Now all I need to find are head phones.......
More news: almost done with Genka Yume's gallery. Just 2 more pictures, I hope! Then I can get to other promissed art.
Anyway, here is something nice!

How to make safe christmas decoration lights! (age: 4 and up)


+ Thick paper (about 10 centimetres high and quite long; needs to get wrapped around a jar (but not touch the glass!!))
+ Crayons (colored of course)
+ Sunflower oil
+ glass jar (with small candle in it (waxine light?))

Step one: draw something nice on the paper. Press hard to get bright colors, press soft to get soft colors; but you won't see those soft colors that well.
Step two: Put Sunflower oil on your paper; put it quite thick on it!
Step three: Let is dry (takes about 5 hours till a day to get dried well)
Step four: But both sides to each other (stapler?) and tadaa!!! nice decorated light!! (well, if you put the glass jar within it)

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