Monday, December 16, 2002

Okay, nothing big about yesterday. Went out for dinner with my parents, saw Dennis from High School (at least I think it was him; dang he has grown!!) but he ignored me and Shirley from my class. She didn't ignore me; she even said hi! *shocked*. I made up a special for Serenay >_< But I forgot what it was about. Oh well, so far we still have enough specials (written by me).
Blablablayaddayaddayadda. Today I will go to my school to give a crafts assignment; the one in yesterday's post. When I'll come home I have to do a bit of homework; shall take about what? 1 hour? Hardly!
Mm, I'm gonna type a new profile for the profiles section. I should do that again >_<.

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