Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Things I keep on forgetting to tell people:

+Go check out the Dark Fyres of Cyp...Chypryrus..... eh.... that new story on the web (link is in my links section on my page). It's really cool and while you are at it- draw things for my friend too!
+Go check out BlackOut. Link is next to this message. Because it's really cool and while you are at it, draw things for that friend of mine too!
+Go check out Bohemiansoul.net (link on the left) because Luna Puella has great art. Warning: sunglasses might be handy, and then I'm not talking about the super duper bright red layout- but about the sparkling great art. And while you are at it....hell, draw something for her too ^_^
+Go check out www.dragonsoulgallery.com; because I say so. Tiamat is a wonderful artist; you should draw her something!!
+Go check out my sister site (on my site) Togepi's stories, because her art and stories are always so cute. And while you are at it.... draw something for me her too.
+Go check out the Pikachu and Mew show, and draw something for her too, since I'M TOO LAZY FOR IT!! Link is on the website
+Go check out my site while you are looking for the links and while you are at it *throws herself on her knees and cries* PLEASE DRAW ME SOMETHING!!! Or at least adopt an adoption!!!!

*cough* And now a message to a certain person who DOES have a life: EnroCire has a petpet now too.

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