Monday, June 30, 2003

May I take a moment of your time and say: *pant*. Jeepers, how busy and stressy today is. And still not everything done!!
First, I woke up early and continued moving and sorting out movies from the zipdrive to my own pc. Not done; still about 7-8 disks left to do and then stuff from this pc. But, I managed to do already a lot.
What more? Then I left to my old internshipschool to pick up the class pictures. I was 15 minutes early and waited outside the fence. I didn't feel like I had the right to be there. A kid from another class drove pass me on a tricycle: "Don't I know you?" And my reply was 'yes'. She drove on, still wondering from where ^_^.
Finally my class came outside. A boy saw me and waved. Then, when someone said: "Look, Miss Kitt is there!" All were suddenly infront of me ^_^. I offered to go inside, that was easier talking.
Well... talking... try talking when you have 14 todlers hanging on your legs because they missed you =D. On a piece a normal person walks 10 seconds, I walked about 5 minutes because of those kiddies.
I did manage to pry them off though ^_^. No worries.
I got the pictures- everyone says they turned out marverlous, but the camera always hates me. Yet, even my sister says it turned out great so I guess they are okay to look at.
Then I offered to stay the afternoon in case the teacher needed help. Well, I immediately was asked to read a story in front of the class XD.
During lunchbreak, I went to the 5th grade because I prommised to make a drawing on the blackboard again. The kids were going home, but they suddenly said: A cat and a dog!!
I went all: Huh?!
It turned out they had voted what I had to draw XD. I said I had never drawn a dog before and the cat failed bigtime. They said I could also draw something I wanted, but I said: 'If you don't try, you never know.'
So I did.... and it looked like a dog... cat looked like a cat again, added a mouse, 2 dwarf dolphins and a flying unicorn. Kids loved it, and that's what it's about.
Then helped the afternoon with the todlers, read the final part of the story and then had to say good bye for good.
Even Alec missed me, and he doesn't react well to changes (mentally he's a bit... off). And again, 2 girls asked me to marry them.
Then I asked my teacher that assignment from school: what her first impression of me was, when it comes to looks. It turns out she doesn't care either!!
Then went home, missed the tram, and moved some more files from the zip. Still not done.
Edited the last 7 specials I had to edit, ate, went online, answered 60 mails in my hotmail inbox, went to neopets, checked my grades for school (I have a 5 out of 10 for a report >_< That's not good; a good grade is at least a 6- but if it's my only 5 I don't need to redo it), mailed to a teacher, dumped a few people on the MSN (those who I know will never come here), and pulled down the site.
All in 2 hours so far. Left to do: My home e-mail and something I won't tell because it's private.
Tomorrow I'll start building the site! Woohoo!!
Expect a Summer Treat!!

Sunday, June 29, 2003

It's been a while since I posted a dream... that's because I hardly remembered any of my dreams when I wake up. Yet, the dream from tonight was so über cute!! I don't want to forget it!
I do need to sort things out a bit- I think 2 storylines got mixed. So, I'll just split the dream in 2 so they follow each other more logically. Ain't I great?! I can understand my confusing dreams!
Just so people won't forget; everything was a dream!
Well, I'll start with the typical game dream. I've had a lot of dreams where I was part of a gamegroup. This time we had to answer a lot of questions that were shattered through the building so we were running from one side to another. Dennie, a guy who has been in my class from 3rd grade Elementary School till 1st grade High School (1st class of Junior High in USA; I believe) was in my team, Myrthe, a girl from the 1st class of High School till graduation year was in another team. She took her team from question to question, while we split up to cover more ground. Yet, for some odd reason, Myrthe stayed ahead of us.
Somehow, in that same building, weird people with sharp fangs (yup, vampires!!) were attacking people who answered the questions. I met some strange half breed vampires; they could walk in the sun and not burn, but they attacked me. I had 2 pointy sticks and the first one was always missed =S. The second ~> dust. Strange thing was that it was the same vampire who attacked me over and over again.... Then I woke up.
Yes, that was actually the last part of my dream. I don't know why I wanted to tell that first; probably because I wanted to get over with it. Because the next dream.... *happy sighs*
This is the dream. ^_^.
A friend of mine had been kidnapped and I found out where he was hidden, so, with my great magical powers I made myself invisble, but it turned out he wasn't there any more (I don't know if I ever found him, but I do recall not being worried) so I fooled around in that building being invisible. I nagged people, but somehow they found out it was me. And for some strange reason, a few guys could suddenly see me!
I fled towards my home near the harbor, and took the secret underwater passage to get in, along with a few friends. It was the only acces, and no one knew about it. However... the enemy suddenly did and they came in as well. All my friends were captured. Poor me! Only one left (okay, there was something with me, but I can't recall what... it was some sort of critter)...
Of course I tried to free them, but the leader demanded I left that home. Fed up with it, I used my powers to enter his room and challenged him. He would make up 2 tests, I would make up 2 tests, and a 5th test would be made by someone who was neutral.
I don't recall the tests, but only that I lost 2 and I won 2... just like him. Yet, the 5 tests were over and he was proclaimed winner because somehow all thought he had won. I admitted my loss and wanted to leave. Everybody was really sad and the leader didn't seem so happy either.
But, I had my pride and left. After all, he lost fair and square... just when I was about to leave I remembered something: we did only 4 tests! We never did my 2nd test, which was singing. I asked someone who had been with me all the time (who looked like me O.o) what we should do; we could still win!
But, the other me just smiled and said that the rule was that the tests will be completed before 1 pm.... which was already passed. Why make a fuss about it? It would make us look only bad. Let's be the grown up and leave...and I agreed.
All of a sudden the boat with everybody on it (yes, the house turned into a boat O.o) went crazy. When people were getting off, the boat simply drifted off, but the engine started all of a sudden too.
Heroic as I am, I saw that mister leader who kicked me out of my kingdom in trouble, jumped in, grabbed him and a rope and prevented him and myself from being cut into pieces by the engine.
People picked us up from the water and we cleaned ourselves. Now I was back on the boat... and what turned out....
The leader didn't want me to leave because he had fallen in love with me!! AWE! How cute! And I had fallen in love with him as well! Woohoo! How adorable!!
I think then was the moment the new dream started, the one with the game and the vampires above, but I'm not sure. Could have been mixed in with that other über cute dream as well.
It was such a nice dream! I never dreamed something like that before! If it could only happen in reality.... *happy sighs*

And, something else, this morning my parents left for their vacation in France. I won't see my mom for 7 weeks, while my dad will return next sunday because of his work. He'll be hopping up and down again =S. But rather that than not being with my mom!

Saturday, June 28, 2003

What to tell what to tell? What did I do yesterday? Something incredible insane which I cannot tell because you'll see friday. What more? Eh..... eh..... nothing special.
I'm beat. So tired. Need bed. But can't. Tonight I have 2 (please not: 2!!) celebrations to attend. So, no time to be online actually. Bwech.
And Uumie had to leave for the weekend. No fun.
Yes, this is a complaint post. I want my bed.
Gosh, what an intresting life I have!!
Monday I'll close down the site and will start building. And I need to prepare something I postponed way too.
Luckily my sister will be home the whole week so we can finally finish it! (yes, I need her for something which I cannot tell).

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Fun Fact!! Once in a while I go yo google and type in: "Serenay Moon". That way I find out if people linked us, or just mentioned us ^_^. I found 3 new pages that did my "Which Serenay Moon Guardian" test ^_^.
Then, for fun, I typed in "Kitty Ocean", -"Hello" ; otherwise I'll get a lot of Hello Kitty.
This is what I tripped over:

'As you all can see, I do plan on switching the blogs out from time to time. I no longer keep up with Party of One or Kitty Ocean's Boredom (sorry, gals, nothing personal!); it's more of a time issue than anything. '

Hehe. ^_^. I was so surprised to find this. I'm so curious who (s)he is. At first I thought: 'hey, what's wrong with my blog; what is wrong with me?!' But then I shrugged and thought: 'Can't be friends with everyone.'
I'm really curious who (s)he is ^_^.
I just thought about it... you can also see it an other way. As that (s)he followed it and didn't have the time to keep up with it. Maybe I'll never know...
Anyway, I posted in his/ her guestbook!
Wednesday, 25th of June.

Today has been the most stranges day. After getting an additional life insureance, I took my changes and went into the jungle called: 'Kitt's bedroom.' People have warned me that this place is dangerous, but someone had to clean out this mess. Who knows what lives in the corners there?
I went in, armed with a garbage bag and chopping knife, and banned my way through that jungle. It was aweful; I've seen a lot of terrible old things: old tests I failed, old drawings, loose notes and the worst thing: memories to things I always wanted to forget.
Oh, what a kid I have been. Even in High School I continued to make clubs. Not that any of them lasted longer than 2 days...
And of course, I found back some script from an awful play I attended at High School. It was supposed to be OUR play, but instead of that, Sanne Vogel wrote it herself. That demon teacher's pet!
Suddenly I stumbled upon a teasure! The script from Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet that I wrote on High School! What a success I had with those 2 small 5 minute plays.... I tucked them into my backpack- these treasures shouldn't get lost- EVER!
And then... it happened. Suddenly I saw a weird man. I went towards the man in this jungle. "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?"
"Yes, I am. Kitty Ocean I presume?"
"Correct. What are you doing in the Kitt's Bedroom Jungle?"
"I heard about new species and I went in... but, I got lost."
"So that's why my mom hasn't entered my room for decades. Where are we?"
"This, my child, is the end of your room. Look, this is the wall."
"What?! No kidding! This is the back wall of my room?! Jeepers, my room is small!!"
"You never knew that?"
"Well, I always thought my room was small because of the loads of junk I gathered but Dang, my room really IS small!!"
Doctor Livingstone looked at me. "Now that you reached the end of your room, what will you do now?"
I looked back at the trail I had made. "I guess cleaning up the junk I left behind me......" ^_^.

(To be short: I cleaned my room yesterday. It's way far from finished, but this is way more intresting than posting the short version. =P)

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

I'm feeling a tad sad. Just a tad. Yesterday a friend of mine said that a certain class would be canceled. Today I found it it wasn't canceled! ARGH! And it was one of the few classes I really like! The teacher never blamed me and said it was okay. My friend claimed she never said it. Anyway, we could make a big argue about who is right, but that's just a waste of time. What's done is done and it can't be reversed.
After that I had boring writing class. MAN that guy can YELL! *twitch* I'm almost deaf! And he's so boring! Laughs at his own jokes! And everything he said could have done in half the time.
After that I had some time off, talked to a teacher and went to a Church for Religion Class. We had to visit a Holy Building of a certain religion. We could choose from Hindoïsm, Islam, Catholic, Jewish and I chose Catholic. We got a very, very short tour and then just talked a lot about religion.
When I came home I did homework and argued with my sister. She always claims I don't do enough in this house. Well, at least I'm HOME; unlike her. And I cooked and did the dishes for almost 2 years in a row! Every day! And now SHE complains I don't do enough?! She NEVER does the dishes.
Twit. And then she calls me a 'snotneus'; meaning a little kid. We only differ 1.5 years. Sure Sister- I'm SUCH a kid. At least I'm home, walk the dogs and do the dishes occasionally. You get home (if you ever get home at all!), eat, go to your bed, complain and sometimes walk the dogs.
Sure. Nitwit.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

< sing > I know more than you-ou!! < / sing >
I just got my grades from my finals back!
Logopedie (the thing I missed 30 pages in my book): a 6 (out of 10)
Religion class (what was the use?! We learned about christany and stuff- didn't understand a thing from the final =S): 7 out of 10!!!
Might I add another: WOOHOO!
I don't need to retake them!! So far just this stupid PE report to redo! And I'm gonna do that today.
Then, tomorrow, since daddy is home and probably want to use to PC again (this one is dying >_<) I'll go and clean my room again. *gets another life insurance just in case*
And, if possible, I'll write the Summer Special from Serenay Moon on thursday.
And how are things going with the site redo? Going fine.... Need to add a lot of "alt=" tags to adoptions and still need to restyle a lot of specials. I'll make it before next friday! This week I want to finish at least 75% of it!!

Sunday, June 22, 2003

I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because my whole group from swimming class passed their swimming exams.
But I'm sad because my sister is moving out. I miss her already so much. The whole day I'm already crying and I simply can't stop. I was so afraid to tell her this, because my sister is the kind of girl that would laugh directly into your face about it.
So, I gathered all my courage and told it to her... she laughed. But she didn't laugh in my face. It was a warm smile. She told me I didn't have to worry; we would still see each other often. I then mentioned my father and his sister; they barely see each other. Then I mentioned my mom and her brother; they barely see each other and my uncle lives 2 minutes of walking away!! (My mom usually goes shopping or out with her sister in law).
Then she said: "But that is them. We are different. Besides, I have a feeling you will often come to my place from school!" Appearently she doesn't live too far from the station in Utrecht; and my school is close to the station.
She also said to her boyfriend that I would probably come directly from school just to go internetting with her ^_^. She probably will use the phone line because of her *irony* very heavy internet usage (aka: she internets about.... twice a year?) and we have some sort of cable at home... at home is not only faster but also a lot cheaper =D.
I just hope we'll stay in touch......

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Well, today I walked my old block again. It's not that I'm back to that block; I switched shifts today. Was so different to get up at 6.30 again O.o And, not to forget, it's 3-4 times the size of my current block. Yet, I walked it...
And if you know what of a sucky leg I have, you understand why I'm amazed that I managed to walk it!! Sure, I'm quite tired, but my leg is slowly healing!!
I still have to be careful though =S. Might return in the autumn or winter.
Someone said to me yesterday that I should change the layout from the site today since it's summer. Well, I wished I could, but I'm still not finished =(. I already feel bad about it and she got angry at me because I can't change it today! EXCUSE ME FOR HAVING A LIFE!
*kicks girl away*
Anyway, anyone has a suggestion for the Serenay Moon 2004 calendar? So far I have: Groups in themes, Lovemates, or 1 Character on each month. Any more suggestions?
Already done: Season 2 girls, Main Characters in their main color.
Mwech- I'm tired. Can't get online tonight- it's swimming exam and I need to be there to guide the kids. I hope my very first group will all pass it. I'm just as nervous as they are!!!

Friday, June 20, 2003

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (to those unfamiliar with this word: that was evil laughter). I'm evil. Wanna know why? Won't tell!! Why not? Well, I'm very evil, but this time there is actually a chance the wrong people will hear about it and then BOOM.... Big trouble! Oh, don't worry, nothing illegal or so....
I got my report back from that PE oral exam. 'Theory is only little present and has trouble connecting it with practise'. Grade.... 'Twijfel voldoende'; keep it to barely passed. Well DUH! Hello, I barely understoof THE QUESTIONS! And I'm not one of the stupidest people around, ne?
Ow well. My counsil meeting from today went okay. It turned out a bunch of people requested if I could end up with them in the next class. They requested ME! That NEVER happened before! I could have ended up crying; so happy I was. Now the big question is.... WHO requested me? I never expected that!
And my new assignment from council; which I need help for:
'What was the first impression from people when they SAW you.' So, I need people who are willing to write a piece about their first impression from when they SAW me (picture qualifies as seeing). It's allowed to write ANYTHING down; even negative things.
If you wish to help me; please type a piece about your very first impression and thought of me and mail it to me. You will stay anonymous.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

I hate June. Yeah, and you'll probably gonna hear it way more often. Today my last final. It started so well (we were in a group) :
She: 'Well, I looked at your report and you did one part very wrong. You'll need to redo that.
Us: HUH? What is wrong with it.
She: *explains in a long and difficult way*
Me: But that's in the report
She: No it's not and now we'll start the oral exam.
She asked so many difficult questions. Not that I didn't know the answer... I just hardly understood what she asked from me!! And so many people asked me: 'But what did she ask then?' Peeps! I didn't understand the question so I don't know what she asked!!!
It's such a big surprise we passed the oral exam anyway. But don't ask me what she asked or how she asked things, because I don't know that.
Bright spot: I got my new book for Logopedie, the one where 30 pages were missing. So far this book seems to be whole. Now just hoping I passed the final so I can keep this pretty book untouched.
And I got my grade back for my drawing for a cover for a kid's book. An 8; which is somewhere like an 80% or a B or so. Well, he shouldn't have given me anything lower! Not because I worked so hard on it (hell no, hardly gave it attention!!) but because compaired to my class... I'm freaking good. Call it ego if you want, but 95% of the class asked me to draw instead of them. I didn't practise all these years to get a 7 or 7.5.
Call it ego, but I think I'm at this level that's worth an 8.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Did I already mention I hate June? Kicked out of a project was awful, then I had some course with a teacher who is complete insane (every good teacher is a great mentor- why do I disagree?!?!) and, how great, saterday I started studying for my finals from today.
Actually quite early might I add. I started with Logopedie, a subject I consider really intresting. It's about how we learned how to speak and things that can go wrong with talking.
At 9 pm I called J-guy in panic (hey, did I already tell this?!) because 30 pages from my book were missing!! He gave me a summary and today after the finals we would go back to the bookstore.
The finals went..... strange. They were... difficult and I have no clue if I passed them!! NOT AT ALL!
After that we went to the bookstore. Since I bought that book 2 years ago, I didn't expect they could do something about it. This is how it went:
Me: Hi, I was studying for my finals from today and I found...
She: Oh, a failure in print?
Me: Yeah, and a big one too. I miss 30 pages!
She: Oh dear! How about your final then?
Me: I called him *points at J-guy*. But in case I didn't pass this final, I would like to have a whole book next time.
She: Of course! Oh dear, we don't have it in stock any more. It'll be here wednesday, do you still have the receipt (oh, that darn word again!!)?
Me: That's the big problem. I bought the book 2 years ago. You have to believe me on my word that I bought it here.
She: Oh..... *awkward silence* Oh well, you are in the computer so..... see you wednesday!!!

Okay.... that went EASY! But I still hate June. Way too much went wrong!

Sunday, June 15, 2003

June definitly is the worst month ever. Yesterday I went to a course I signed up for and that teacher is completely insane. No kidding. 'Each good swimming teacher is a good mentor'...
Okay, just delete the swimming part and think of Jerk-Mentor... and Of course, that teacher said that everything I learned at my school was completely wrong and he judged everybody. If they were proud of something, he told them they made the worst decision ever.... okay.... can I kick him?
Yesterday I also started studying for my finals on monday. Usually I start at sunday; 1 day before the final, because so far I always made that. So, this time I was early.
After 2 hours of study I called J-guy in panic.... 30 pages from my book were missing!!! And I have a final monday!
He gave me a summary of the missing pages and I'm very lucky most of the pages are from the 7th chapter- a chapter we don't have to know. After the finals we'll go back to the book store, but what can they do 2 years after I bought that book?
For now I can't do anything about it... I just have to trust on the points J-guy gave me. It's 40 multiple choice questions... I can always guess.... what I already always do >_<

Friday, June 13, 2003

It's not so bad... no, it's not so bad if you have friends like I have.
Today I got the result of a project I really hoped to become part off... I was really worried they wouldn't give me a chance because I accidentally missed an appointment (found the note one day after the appointment- not my fault), but it turns out that appointment was to let me know I didn't get in.
I really wanted to be part of that project. It would give me way more internship than that 1 day in a week. At this moment school isn't challenging at all. I was so hoping to get in. But, I am not. At first I was furious, then not understanding why (Mrs. H. gave a lot of reasons, but I forgot most of them) and final sadness.
The typical reaction for a disappontment I would say. And it's not fair! They judged me on 1 freaking meeting and let me feel very good about it! They gave me false hope! Everyone, really everyone I know doesn't understand why I didn't get in. My study-mentor just called me and I just could hear the unbelief in his voice. Another dissappoint me.
Sure, I tried to stay brave while calling, but I was about to cry again. I so wanted to get in (I think I already mentioned that), but I-chan helped me seeing it on a positieve way: It's their loss. They didn't want to take the risk with me? FINE! Then they'll miss the best teacher they could ever have in their project! Then they'll miss the best storyteller they could ever get! Who else can keep todelers gasping about a 15 minute story? How many people have that gift of storytelling?
So, it's their loss. I called my dad and named the reasons I could remember:
- They don't think I suit well in a team (they should see me at swimming class, my work, Serenay Moon, Ato Masayume (NEW PROJECT PEEPS!) and Maryoku)
- They didn't hear what they wanted to hear (I just told them who I was- what else should I have done? LIE?!)
- They didn't want to take the risk with me (There were more reasons- see how much I forgot? I should have noted them...)
Mrs. H, my personal internship counselor *waves at Mrs. H!* told me that this project would have been a good choice for me to help me devellop. She talked to the 'judges', but couldn't convince them. Thanks for trying Mrs. H.
Mr. B, my study mentor, who just called, was astounded as well. I sounded so brave I think... telling him it's THEIR loss and too bad, maybe some other project is better for me. I need to think it's their loss, otherwise I won't make it.
My dad asked if it was possible to 'raise an appeal' (is that the right phrase? 2nd opinion maybe?) but if even Mrs. H couldn't do anything... what is left to do? Sure, I could cry about it for hours (which I would really love at this moment), but what is the use? Wouldn't get me in anyway. Mrs. H suggested talking to those 'judges' but I don't want to. I don't even want to see them the following weeks! They stabbed me in the back with their nice smiles and good luck wishes! And what would be the use? Will it get me in? No... so why try? Why bother?
I-chan said that the good things would be that I would have more time. She's right. Then I would have enough time for Serenay Moon, Forever Young and all those big stories of mine. I could draw more... but do I really want that? No... because each time I draw under class... it means I'm wasting my time there. I just want an intresting education! Which it is! But the theory is so... useless, easy and unchallenging!
J-guy was astounded as well. He didn't understand it at all, and especially the reasons. We talked for about half an hour and he said they were stupid for letting me go. He did get in btw.
Mom feels very sorry for me and is a bit confused. I don't think she understands how much I wanted it, but she's there for me. She says that things will work out.
I might do another project next year, which will be harder and faster than the school I'm following now. It means more internship and more selfstudy. At this moment I don't want to think of any projects.
All assignments (but one, but I couldn't hand it in today if I have to go to 5 appointments in July- would weird then ne?) handed in, just 3 more finals (which I'm almost positive I'll pass- I still have to study... enough said about how challenging this school is?) and the year is over. Summer Vacation is calling my name.
Their loss. They didn't want me to proove myself, well it's their loss. All I think about now is those 3 finals and my stories and drawings.
And sleep. I love sleep. Slept so little... *yawns*
Everyone, thank you for your great support!
One more thing. Thursday I told a story to my todlers. Usually after 6 minutes the first todler turns around and doesn't pay attention any more... which every group activity you have, you always get drop outs. But, it's not their fault. Thursday I told a story, a short version of my 'Closet behind the Classroom'. I said: 'It's going to be a scary story!' And after 15 minutes... All kids still gasped at me. They thought it was so exiting! NO KID TURNED AROUND! BEAT THAT!
Okay, one more thing. Remember a certain Jerk-Mentor which I had in my internship beginning this year? I saw one of the students again and (She still called me Miss Kitt!) she told me that Jerk-Mentor was way worse after I left. He looks like he hardly sleeps and with rehersing for the school-musical, he gets furious when 1 kids accidentelly messes up. All the kids are dying to get our of his class. So, I hate him, the kids hate him... only his collegues don't hate him... mm... guess I didn't do that bad then ne? At least the kids liked ME!
LAST THING. Because of this depressing day, I treated myself on a DVD from 'Help! I'm a Fish!' (Blub ik ben een Vis). Such a cute movie. And exiting as well. It inspired me to write Ato Masayume (A Dream that comes True) with Uumie. I still have to design my character Sou. She looks too... normal, old and 'average magical girl heroine'; but then an American version =S. Like the Serena - 'Sailor Moon goes Saban' version. Long blond wavy hair... I want my Sou to be original and cool!! So, back to the drawing board! I do have some ideas, but... she's not perfect yet!!!
Mrs. H also told me I would be great as a teacher for High School... I can barely get the 6th grade (our last class before High School) to listen to me! How on earth should I keep THEIR attention??
Okay, I'm done now... I hope...

Thursday, June 12, 2003

You are Blue
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

brought to you by Quizilla

I'll let others be the judge of this......

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

I know everyone is just DYING to here the results from my singing-thing at school. And to those who didn't know, here is the case:
Music Assignment 1: Write new lyrics for a song OR write a new melody for a song OR write a complete new song, lyrics AND music.
I-chan and I formed a group (yes, 2 peeps is a group) and we picked writing new lyrics for a song.
At first I suggested to do I See Your Dreams, that Uumie wrote. I already knew that song and I-chan is amazing with the piano. But, Suteki Da Ne was too hard for her to learn is such short notic.
So, plan B. She could play My Heart Will Go On from Celine Dion really well and I wrote new text on it. I'm almost finished with the song, but since we had performance today we decided to do it till the first chorus. I believe that's 1 verse and the choros.
Last week we heard we would have a small contest in our class. The 1st 3 winners would get a CD. I hate contest. I always loose >_<.
Today I had to sing and I was nervous as hell. (If you don't believe me, you can ask others). I was especially afraid M-guy would say things like: "GO FOR IT!" Okay, not a bad thing, but he says it so loudly and hard it makes me more nervous. So, I asked him politely if he would NOT say things like that because it would make me more nervous. I know he means well and that he only wants to joke, but it would be a wrong combination.
I entered the room and.... COMPLETELY BLANK! Text was gone! I didn't recall anything! I got even more nervous.
At first 1 group came and they wrote the complete song themselves. And such an adorable song! The whole class loved it!
When the teacher asked who was next, a girl said: "Well, I'm really curious about I-chan's and Kitt's song!!" And the whole class agreed. So, democratically decided.... I-chan and I were second. And the M-guy. "Don't worry, it'll go great!!!" Argh! And I asked him not to do that!
The guy means so well... But, I put myself over it. Now, I must tell you this was the first time I had to sing in front of a group of people, and they would stare at me. I always wanted to do it, but it was a BIG BIG first.
I saw a girl grinning. I was so afraid I would mess things up I decided one thing: HEY, Nice painting in the back of the class! Let's stare at it!
I stared the whole time at it and I remembered my text in time. I-chan told me after it I was singing faster, so she played faster as well.
Next were 4 other groups, but not as great as the first group... I could have a chance...
Scores. As expected, the first group got the most points.... second was... pinch me... please pinch me... I-chan and ME?!?!
I became 2nd! WOOHOOO!!!!
Though I think my class expected more of the song, we still became second. The first song was so great! It deserved to win!
Though another strange thing is.... nor the teacher nor the class ever mention ANYTHING about ANY song... why? I did expect some comments from the teacher... but after each song it was awfully quiet. Not even comments AFTER that class from the students... maybe they DID expect more...
Oh well
Small note: I was the only one who sang solo and the only one who sang an English Song. Yay me.

Monday, June 09, 2003

It's way past my bedtime, but I just gotta tell you this.
My world is so freaked up.
My printer decided to print everything I order him to print at high quality, even when I select economy (low quality). After a while he prints normally (like after 2 jobs =S) but WOW! This takes AGES!
Luckily I only have 1 project left to make AND print. I'll do that tomorrow- final day off.
But what is so weird? My dad wanted to use the computer for 30 minutes (became an hour, figures) and I suddenly had the urge to hook up my BROKEN scanner (who did everything BUT scanning) to my own PC. Maybe it would work there and who knows... no you have, yes you may get.
So, I hooked it up: NEW HARDWARE FOUND. IT WORKS! My scanner works! I have my own scanner back! WHOOHOO!
AND, big news, remember that website I had to make for school? Well, I told that teacher that I thought it was way too easy for me, since I already knew how to built websites.
Today I got a mail from him: if I had any suggestions to improve the class.
New students... beware... Because Website Building Class suddenly became a lot more difficult (which it already was for some twinkies who hardly know how to use a search engine)

Saturday, June 07, 2003

Man it's so hot here! What is it; 25 degrees?! EWH! And then that dirty letters/ mail.... I feel so dirty! And I hardly have time to take a shower because my sister is going to celebrate her b-day and the visitors will come soon! Bwech! She forgot to tell me that btw.
I think I like my b-day better =P. And I tell you why. Then I would get gifts!! (just pointing out the obvious). And this year feels like it could be my birthday each moment! Why? So many people promissed they would send things- I know, a bit late, but I like this better!
I wonder what I'll get...and when!!

Friday, June 06, 2003

Nothing to tell besides:
Stevo............ beware!!
Now to update the site.
Ever noticed that some people can change drastically and then about 2 weeks later they act the same again? I wonder why things like that happen....... maybe she was just nice to me so I would do things for her.... now she calls me stupid again (not directly btw). Or doesn't she even know she says that?! If so..... darn she's stupid!

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Wow...... new Blogger layout?! I like this one more..... (it seems all my old posts got deleted =(. Figures....)
Oh well...
Sometimes I land back into reality... and believe me, that landing is hard. Then I suddenly realise how far away my friends really are. Even Vianen seems far away, and I live very close to that city.
Everyone seems so far away... I feel so alone.
And the radio playing only depressing songs isn't working. Luckily they play the Bee Gees now. Bee Gees is like Shoujo manga- a great song for each moment. And of course, there is nothing like ice cream.... yeah.
Good news would be that I passed my internship and next week will be my last day (that isn't a good thing actually =S). I also had that selection talk for that schoolproject. Next week I'll know if I'll be in. I have good faith. There was a very nice teacher across of me, and he knows me. He said I grew a lot- I can give better reasons for things now.
But... I don't care.
And whatever word I get back.... words are not the same as when they come directly from the heart and mouth... If I could wish one thing... it would be that I could be with all my friends.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Let's do Good News Bad News again! It's so much fun! It helps me see the good side of bad things.
Bad news: I had to go to school for 30 minutes today
Good news: The internship-talkthingie went great, my teacher doesn't mind I won't go to Paris (I can use my summer-swimming-course to fill in the missing hours I miss because of this not going to Paris thing)
Bad news: Hardly did homework today- it's very discouraging if you can't finish your projects completely
Good news: I think I only have 3 projects left and 2 weeks to finish it..... that should be possible!! Okay, 1 week and 3 days- have it your way! Should still be possible on sunday, monday and tuesday! And I had a great day with daddy!

My sister got a knives/forks/spoons set from her boyfriend. He said it was expensive. Now the Blokker (where it came from) has it on sale: from 249 to 99 euro!!! I so hope the guy didn't spend 249 euro! Or at least that he kept the paperthingie which you get after paying (receipt?)

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

I've got good news and bad news....
Bad news: I will have to sleep in a room with 2 guys while one of them didn't have a 'female companion' for 5 years and drinks a lot
Good news: I'm so not going to do that so I won't go along
Bad news: This assignment hasn't been approved by school yet. I might need to start from scratch again
Good news: I'll inform my mentor tomorrow and hope to let it count at least half and hopefully completely
Bad news: My internship will end next thursday
Good news: My internship-mentor says I'm a great teacher and loved the story I wrote
Bad news: I can't seem to finish one Bonus level of Dungeon Keeper
Good news: I finished all other levels and bonus levels without any help or cheating. Yay me!
Bad news: It's hot and moisty here
Good news: I won't go to France next week where it will be much hotter (so I can update and study calmly for my finals!)
Bad news: School might become a pin tomorrow
Good news: I only have 30 minutes of class- gives me time to do more homework
Bad news: It probably will become way more than those 30 minutes.... 1.5 hour maybe?
Good news: I still should be able to finish a project tomorrow
Bad news: I want to end with good news
Good news: I'm done now ^_^

Monday, June 02, 2003

Mm, cost me a little time to get here- yeah, I'm at school. Too little time to actually do something- aka 15 minutes. Phew, weather got me scared about 30 minutes ago. BWAM! Lightning, thunder! But we needed some rain here- just to cool things off. Not that much rain fell... of course. And now this library is sticky =S. Hot, moist AND sticky! Bwech.
With Art class, ya know, asking the teacher the background color, the teacher said he really liked it (all my classmates are very jealous- BWAHAHAHA!) and that I should leave the background white. Added the text in the fonts Calligrapher and Dark Crystal Outline. Looks spiffy. Purple lines, Ceruluan color on the inside.
Now that the end of the year is coming close, I loose my motivation to do things. But I MUST continue working, otherwise I won't finish it in time!
Today I'll finish that art project. I need to do some stuff and that won't be much. Tomorrow internship again (will or won't I get the bus in time?!) while I actually could use that day. I'll try to finish all, or at least all but 1 projects this weekend.
Oh, and next friday I can't update the site. Why? Cuz I'll be in France then. I'll try on thursday, but there's no promise. I'll be gone from the 13th till the 15th. On monday I'll have 2 finals (great timing, ne? >_<) and thursday the last oral exam. Then I'll go shopping. Not that I'll buy something.......
So, MAYBE the update will be thursday, MAYBE it will be monday, maybe no update at all. Just the last 3 weeks of school- they are hectic. Anyone who blames me should do MY homework AND that freaking trip to Paris. Disneyland Paris.... sound nice, but I don't know ANYONE! I'm all alone... and I don't even know where I'll sleep.... If it turns out the only room is with those 2 guys it will mean I won't go along. Then you will get an update.
Ain't I confusing?! COOL HUH?!
But anyway:I'll keep you posted.
Go check The Realm of Sailor Energy. Yeah, do that. And let me know you are alive. Cuz I'm dead.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Wai! Work of mine is posted at The Realm of Sailor Energy. I kinda hoped on a tad more attention though, but it's better than nothing ne? ^_^.
My nose hurts. I have a feeling that it's because of last wednesday, when my nose had a close encounter with someone's ankle in the swimmingpool.
It's hot here. Way too hot. My dad's b-day is tomorrow and I have no clue what to give =S. My sister's b-day is thursday (as well as some stupid school meeting) and I have no clue what to give. Guess what she got from her boyfriend? A set with spoons, knives and forks! They are going to buy that house! All that is left is negociating about the prize...
I drew something from my new How to Draw manga Book. I'll finish it today, as well as some school asignments. Dungeon Keeper is on a hold, I wanna draw again =D.
And in 3 weeks I'll have time for restyling as well as writing Forever Young again. I want to finish the 1st 2 seasons this summer vacation. That should be possible. And if it's possible, I wanna get a far end in season 3. And then in August or so, I'll make a site! Hurray!