I'm feeling a tad sad. Just a tad. Yesterday a friend of mine said that a certain class would be canceled. Today I found it it wasn't canceled! ARGH! And it was one of the few classes I really like! The teacher never blamed me and said it was okay. My friend claimed she never said it. Anyway, we could make a big argue about who is right, but that's just a waste of time. What's done is done and it can't be reversed.
After that I had boring writing class. MAN that guy can YELL! *twitch* I'm almost deaf! And he's so boring! Laughs at his own jokes! And everything he said could have done in half the time.
After that I had some time off, talked to a teacher and went to a Church for Religion Class. We had to visit a Holy Building of a certain religion. We could choose from Hindoïsm, Islam, Catholic, Jewish and I chose Catholic. We got a very, very short tour and then just talked a lot about religion.
When I came home I did homework and argued with my sister. She always claims I don't do enough in this house. Well, at least I'm HOME; unlike her. And I cooked and did the dishes for almost 2 years in a row! Every day! And now SHE complains I don't do enough?! She NEVER does the dishes.
Twit. And then she calls me a 'snotneus'; meaning a little kid. We only differ 1.5 years. Sure Sister- I'm SUCH a kid. At least I'm home, walk the dogs and do the dishes occasionally. You get home (if you ever get home at all!), eat, go to your bed, complain and sometimes walk the dogs.
Sure. Nitwit.
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