Thursday, June 26, 2003

Fun Fact!! Once in a while I go yo google and type in: "Serenay Moon". That way I find out if people linked us, or just mentioned us ^_^. I found 3 new pages that did my "Which Serenay Moon Guardian" test ^_^.
Then, for fun, I typed in "Kitty Ocean", -"Hello" ; otherwise I'll get a lot of Hello Kitty.
This is what I tripped over:

'As you all can see, I do plan on switching the blogs out from time to time. I no longer keep up with Party of One or Kitty Ocean's Boredom (sorry, gals, nothing personal!); it's more of a time issue than anything. '

Hehe. ^_^. I was so surprised to find this. I'm so curious who (s)he is. At first I thought: 'hey, what's wrong with my blog; what is wrong with me?!' But then I shrugged and thought: 'Can't be friends with everyone.'
I'm really curious who (s)he is ^_^.
I just thought about it... you can also see it an other way. As that (s)he followed it and didn't have the time to keep up with it. Maybe I'll never know...
Anyway, I posted in his/ her guestbook!

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