Sunday, August 31, 2003

I have a strange loyalty towards my friends... if they are sad, I simply can't be happy. And when they cry, I can't help but cry along. Yesterday I saw Uumie again; I so wished I had a better reason to see her again. We talked a lot, and we even smiled =D. I know the following days are going to be hard for her, but I shall be there for her.
Unlike some people. *growls*. I know someone who ONLY talkes about HERSELF and how we should all have pity with HER! MY GOD GIRL! It makes me so furious! My best friend Uumie is in great pain and you talk about how busy you are at school???? I don't care if she reads it; but she should stop talking about herself!
Sure, we all have those moments that we want to talk about ourselves; heck, this whole blog is about me, but it doesn't harm you to listen to others once in a while!

Friday, August 29, 2003

I'm still trying to comprehent it. Tomorrow I'm going to see Uumie again... just wished I had a better reason to go.
I can't type much... just have no idea what to say. My new school scedule looks like a swiss cheese and I know half of my new classmates. My classmentor is an ass.
I can't believe it happened. At all. Yesterday I just had to call my sister; I just wanted to hear her voice. I burst out into tears and told her what happened. Usually she goes all: 'And the reason I should care is...?', but even she was shocked.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I'm no late with my 'My day with Uumie'-report XD. Late with EVERYTHING. It's the last day of my vacation, and I didn't do much of what I planned this vacation. I only have 4 pages from the calendar finished, I need to draw 2 layout pics for Serenay Moon's Autumn layout, an ID picture fro Deviantart...ARGH! I so hope I have a few days off in my scedule XD I also need to write FY again- I haven't written that much.....
Anyway, 2 days I met Uumie and it was great. Yes. Expect the train ride. 2 hours in the train to pick her up, 2 hours to get back, gave her presents, showed her the shops from Utrecht, showed her the Dom and then we went to my house. I won a cat. Nya! Hehe ^_^
Well, we left my home, went back to Utrecht, bought Uumie an ice cream *snickers and rolls on the floor* and went into the train. We barely fit in to it XD.
At a station, nobody thought about opening the 2nd door. Not even after I gave some 'oops- I'm talking to loud' -hints. So, the next thing I said to Uumie: 'Mèèè!' Bunch of sheeps! They don't think at all!!
I put Uumie on the train again, and then hopped into mine. I saw a coupé with only 1 woman and she looked nice and since I don't want to be alone, I asked her if it was okay that I joined.
It turns out that woman was english! We talked quite a lot and I tripped a few times over my tongue XD. The woman said that most English people are jealous because we Dutch people know at least 2 till 4 languages! Woohoo!
Then a vietnamese/chinese family joined and after the english woman left, I started talking with their kid. He knew way more dutch than his parents ^_^. He gave me a piece of candy!
Then, when I left, I saw some girls who had introduction to University. They said they had a rough day; all that information! I said that those days you just have to act like a spongue: just suck up all the information! And in the following years... you can just let it drip out!
And then I came home. Cool huh?

Monday, August 25, 2003

Monday is more than half passed... and I actually didn't do much XD.
Can someone tell me why I all of a sudden have dreams about me being a spy, or people hunting me down? For the past week, that has been the main theme. Oh yes, and me having magical powers at the same time. It so confuses me.
We are now 48h's weird mails free!! Hurray!!
Gosh... I REALLY have nothing to tell people! Man, my last week of freedom and it's so BORING! I so need to get a life. Anyone suggestions where I can buy one?

Sunday, August 24, 2003

If it isn't the neighbour's dog, it's my own freaking dog that wakes me up! She so knows she isn't alowed to get upstairs, and yet, she still does it, and she even licked me this time!! Awe!! I do NOT like that!!
I'm into my weddings-mood again. I have a feeling that (officially I don't know it yet) my niece is getting married. In my family, there are 4 people in my generation: My niece, my nephew, my sister and me. The oldest one is now getting married.... When will it be my turn =S? I'm the only freaking single in my family XD. Okay, my grandmother is now single as well, but that doesn't count.
Oh, and in the name of Mister Holy Person in the Sky; I didn't get ANY strange mails for more than 24h's!!! WOOHOO! *does a silly dance*
And... made 3 drawings today. 2 Wedding related (and Serenay Moon related =P) and 1 thingie I dedicate to Demi, since he told me how to do that.
I want thursday to come fast. And then that time stops, so I won't have to go to school on friday XD. Bwech!

Saturday, August 23, 2003

I wonder why some of my friends suddenly became so violent... they act like death is a game they can play with... all that talking about death. To me it feels like they talk about themselves dying, and not their characters. But, I'm the only one in the group who feels that way. I can't keep on troubling all with my troubles.
But just... I've been to so many funurals... more than 20 people in my family and neighbourhood died. Even a friend of mine died. The people who take death so lightly, don't know how it feels to have your heart ripped out in pain.
I never wish this feeling to anyone. This feeling... I can't describe it otherwise than having my heart ripped out, or stabbed right in the chest.
No, I can never think lightly over death. Even when I write about death, I try to make it honourable.
Off topic: I wanted to have a dream related to Pirates of the Carribian. One of my friends said that I shouldn't do that awake, but asleep. Then I said that my dreams never made sense and I never dream about what I want to dream about. But, I DID dream kinda about the Pirates of the Carribian... but only 2 people from that movie were in it... WHY DID IT HAD TO BE THE WOODEN-EYED GUY AND HIS SIDEKICK?!?!
And, again, the dream made no sense at all. Don't ask me to tell about it, because I have no clue how describe it....

Friday, August 22, 2003

*dresses Courage up like a Pirate* Oh hi everybody!! Today I met Sol Nuada in tha flesh and we went together to Pirates of the Carrbian.... I'm still so excited about it! I can't remember the last time I saw a movie and enjoyed it this much! Really, I recommend it to all of you!! Great story, Super Special Effects and... ÜberCool action!!
Not to mention Jack Sparrow. Cunning, smart and great swordsman. He's so cool! Will Turner was cool as well; good looking (hey, I'm a GIRL! So sue me!), sweet loyal guy (almost got him killed....) and also a great swordsman.
And that Elizabeth girl... she was okay ^_^. I think I would survive a day with her locked up in 1 room. Her father was funny ^_^ *grins when she remembers the end*.
But, enough about the movie! Great movie- I'm so gonna buy it.
Today, I met Sol Nuada. Really nice guy ^_^. Great listener... but that can have 2 reasons:
1) He isn't talkative
2) He couldn't get a word between my rattling
I think it's reason 2 ^_^. How we met was quite funny as well. I was way early in the library where we met, and I decided to read a book. And, since we both like Elfquest, I decided to pick an Elfquest book.
He came in, looked around, and dug into the Elfquest part XD. We both must have thought alike. Well, he turned around, and I showed my book, and I guess that was when we were sure... though I think he had a dash of help by having my picture.
We talked, talked- oh correction: I talked, talked and we got the tickets, I talked, and talked, and we went into the cinema. Jeepers... it was EMPTY!! And we had the best seats! NYA!
Great place Sol Nuada =D.
So, I really had a great day ^_^. Now, can't wait till thursday!!!!
Oh, and when Sol left, I decided to go to the Bathroom one more time. There was a mom with 3 teenager girls. The mom was tired of waiting, and there was no one in the men's room, so she went there. The teenager girls were so embarrassed and I saw the mother was feeling awkward for doing that.
So, I gathered my courage and went to the men's room as well ^_^. Woohoo! Yay me! I did something bad!! I did something illegal! But you know, I don't see that as a rule... more as a guideline... =P
Dissappointments, choas, nervousity- It's coming all at me at the same time XD. 2 appointments, 2 different days, 1 today, 1 (as known so far) next thursday. But boy... I think I shouldn't have called episode 70 Castle Chaos... because I'm feeling so chaotic right now XD.
UUMIE IS HOME! WAI WAI WAI WAI! *does happy dances*. And, as everything goes as planned now, we'll meet next thursday again!! Can't wait! *does a prayer* Please High One(s), don't say no this time!!! *bows*.
Argh! Nervousity taking OVER!!! I'm going to the movies with Sol Nuada. I so hope I'll recognise him and that we can stand each other! It's kinda like a blind date, but without the date then. Sort of: Blind Appointment.
ARGH! *runs circles in panic*

Thursday, August 21, 2003

I'm gonna point at my sister and laugh really hard. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. Anyway, I saw my old english teacher today. Boy, he still looks like his mind is in another world.
Nothing much to tell. Haven't heard from Uumie yet... I'm getting worried. I bet nothing is wrong, but I can't help but worry a bit... maybe I should look up her phone number and call her....
Maybe I'll do that tonight... it's not like I have something better to do...

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Great. Just great. MSN forced me to download a new version, and I did. Problem is, I now can't get online any more without putting my firewall down! And I don't like doing that!
So, I thought, okay, then I'll quit with MSN. And download OAL. Great. That programme too asks me to put down my firewall!! To be short: At this moment I'm very unreachable for MSN and AOL-friends.
Today I haven't encountered any wasps. Yay me.
And I forgot one tiny thing... Today the swimming lessons start as well. To be short: I'm at the side of the pool from 6.15 pm till 7.45. I'll try to be online at 9 pm.
In case anyone needs me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Things that happened today:
- While moving files today, a wasp crawled over my foot. It was the 2nd in 2 days.
- I went shopping with mom. Nothing important happened.
- Typed Serenay Moon episode 70. I think it came out nicely; nothing special
- When I just came into my room again, I found another wasp walking over my window. After throwing that bug out, I said to my dad: 'It's time you do something about it, otherwise I'll take mom and your room and one of YOU can sleep in MY room!'. I don't think it scared them...
- When I went to outlook, I suddenly got 28 mails of people I don't know, who almost all have the same subject title and all have attachements. I deleted them all; about 10 minutes I got 7 more. What is going on? Nobody, but my closest friends, know my home adress!! I just received 2 more mails. They tend to appear around the 10 minutes... Somebody knows what's going on???
And how stupid do they think I am- opening a file from a person I don't know at all?!?!

Monday, August 18, 2003

So, I have a new page :) An art page. It's free and has unlimited space. I think I may use it often....
Finished the calendar picture (FINALLY), and did about 85% of the stupid insane questions of the summer course... now the other few are still left. Darn.
I slept wonderful last night, but I'm still tired XD.
I went shopping with mommy today. Bought 3 books from Paul van Loon, CD cases, gel pens for special letters and a bear with a (probably plastic) birthstone ^_^.
I keep on forgetting what I wanted to say XD. Probably nothing important. Tomorrow I'll try and type Serenay Moon episode 70 (yuppers!! But I completely forgot to think about it, so I had no plot in mind XD- I'll sleep a night about this plot, and type tomorrow), and maybe even another Forever Young story. But I also need to finish 80% of the other stupid insane useless asignments from that stupid summer course...
I wonder when my school books will get delivered... and I wonder why I haven't had any mail from Het Net yet, telling me there has been no activity at my clubs for 2 weeks.... I'll may check it out tomorrow.
So, my tomorrow to do list:
- Serenay Moon 70
- Stupid Assignments part 1
- Forever Young 56
Yay me....

Sunday, August 17, 2003

I'll need 3 days to finish this calendar picture I'm working on. Not because it is big, or has a lot of detail... heck, I'm not even working hard on it yet! I think I only worked about 5 hours on it now! I just lost the love of drawing and colouring at this moment.....
And I had ANOTHER wasp on my room. Last year I had dozens; about 2 weeks ago I found the body of a wasp that just had passed away, and now I had to throw one out again. Where do these come from?!?!
That stupid dog from the neighbours robbed me from my sleep again! I'm beginning to have a very bad mood because of that monster!! At moments like this, I love my dogs even more.
And last night I watched a german crimi movie. I think Germany has a lot of great crimis, but this one... it was okay. But SLOW. The tv guide said it was a great movie; my parents loved it as well... I just thought everything went way too slow XD.
Maybe next week I shall open a Deviant Gallery. Tiamat says I should do that. I always wanted my own art gallery, but I'm too lazy to keep it up to date... and she says it will bring peeps to Serenay Moon.
Well... EVERYTHING for Serenay Moon ^_^.
And I hate it if I know something that I can't tell 1 person because it concerns him/her. I'm so happy I can tell Uumie it. I hope she can still come over. Just 3 more days and she'll come home!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Friday, August 15, 2003

I'm plundering a video site again XD. I have more than the half of what I want already downloaded. Yay me!
I think I know why I lost interest for drawing at this moment. I'm too good.... no kidding. About everything I have in my head works. I can draw almost anything I wish... I simply have no challenge any more...
Other cause may be the lack of sleep XD.
Oh, and there is a huge blackout in New York. Why on earth did people think it was a terrorist attack? It's just a blackout! Doesn't that ever happen there or so? We have that at least once a year in the Netherlands.
Not that our system sucks or so, but the good point is that we don't worry about blackouts that much....
It must be because New York is a big city... Oh, and I liked the mayor or New York! I thought he was nice!!!
I found a site with A LOT OF new video clips to download.... I just wonder why I sometimes can't download........ weird. This shall take some time XD.
Mom just called; they are on their way to the netherlands!!
That's about it. My sister is a pain. Yeah...

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Yesterday I downloaded Fandubbed SailorStar VideoClips. I must admit, they weren't that bad all of the time. I believe it was from or so. I especially got touched by the clip where Usagi cried and transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon. And that Rei jumped after her. Such great casting... though Artemis was a bit loud XD. Hotaru had a nice voice as well.
And I just noticed I hadn't downloaded all the videoclips at the Sailor Senshi page. If it goed on like this, I will need to put it on 3 CDs for Uumie!!!
Well, Stevo and Demi finally managed to get back online! How I missed them! *grabs them and doesn't let go any more* And yesterday I got a postal card from Uumie! I wrote her a welcome home letter today. You know, a mail with a stamp and all.
I did drew today and I will outline ink it tomorrow. I'm not that happy with it... I think I lost intrest in drawing and writing. Oh, that has happened before. ^_^. Nothing to worry; it'll return!
What more? I prepared dinner and it looked like something a train ran over with. But, appearantly it tasted okay ^_^.
Today was a lot colder than the days before. I liked it!!! And I managed to sleep till 9!! Yay me!!
I miss mom and dad. They will return tomorrow or saterday. Musn't forget to update!! Better make a note for me.......

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Well, I went to the police. I think they are making a bigger case out of it than I do. Anyway, went there (including the dog- why did it had to bark through the entire station?!) and we officially put a statement on paper.
The guy then asked if I wanted a copy, and I said yes. First of all, because I don't know if it will come handy once. Second, because I actually thought it would be cool to have one.
And, if my parents want to know what happened, they can read it XD. I'm actually kinda tired of telling the whole story... again! I'm still having paradox feelings though. And I think those feelings will stay for a while; that is only normal I think.
I didn't go there for me. I actually did it for the girl whom I hope shall never exist. Because, what IF he manages to get his hands on another girl? Then it's better to have 2 cases then one.
Well, tomorrow I'll try to draw again. I have 3 things I can draw: calendar, christmas card and a contest from a friend. Today I didn't do that much, but tomorrow I'll start again!
AND, I got a postcard from Uumie from France! Oh, I miss her so much!! She'll come back wednesday. I'll write her a welcome home letter ^_^.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

My feelings are in great paradox. I want to tell you what happened last night, and at the same time simply forget it. But, it's best that I do talk about it.
Last night I was walking in the parc, walking the dog I'm babysitting. I saw a man with a little kid and we started talking. It began about the name of the dog and it kinda ended with... well... If I was ever intrested, he would show me 'things'. You can figure out what I mean I guess.
I tried to get out as soon as possible, trying to stay polite as well, because of several reasons. He already had tapped my breast a few times. And, the main reason was that he kept on talking about sex and practically gave me a lecture on how, when, what etc!
When I finally managed to get out, he touched my lips with his fingers. I can still feel it. I walked home as fast as possible, with a big circle of course. At home, I called the police, crying.
Actually not knowing why, but they immidiately send 2 cops. 1 of the cops turned out to be a guy I've had swimming lessons with. They brought me to the police station (in a police car! Doesn't drive that bad...) and called a special person for me.
That woman came, about half an hour later, and we talked about what happened. She wrote down a lot, and told me she would consult a colleage. She wanted to know if it already happened before.
Today I was called again. If I wanted to press charges (is that the expression) against harrasment (spelling?). I asked if that had any use; I would never be able to give a possible ID for that guy.
They said, that if they happened to find that guy, it would be better if they had 2 cases then 1. I agree actually, and who knows what he might do to other girls! So, tomorrow I will go to the policestation again.
They are so nice to me.
A couple of years I walked in the mall and a guy kept on asking if I wanted to come home to drink coffee- he would even have cake! I drove on my bike home crying...
That night my dad took me to the police. It might have been an attempt to kidnapping... but why me?! I'm not Miss Universe Material?
And EWH!, why would I do 'the you-know-what-stuff' with a total stranger!?
Yet, my feelings are in paradox. I'm not that scared to get back to the parc, but I don't want to get back there either. I don't feel harrassed, but I do feel very dirty. I don't want to do anything, yet I want to do things. I don't want to be alone... yet I know I'm safe.
I want my parents. First time home alone, and this happens. First time I'm babysitting a dog on my own, and this happens.
I'm so confused, upset, and yet very cold at the same time. I feel nothing, yet I feel a lot.
I'm in a deep paradox. I hope I can update friday... I know all will understand, and those who don't, should get brains.
Sorry to all. I'm just so confused.

Monday, August 11, 2003

What did I do today? Nothing. Absolutely nothing! I'm dead.... *sighs* So tired... I did my groceries, but nothing more. Everything feels like I MUST do it, while I don't feel I want to....Reminds me off... I should make stupid asignments today.... I'd better do that.
It's not as hot as yesterday (hurray) and peeps predicted a meteor shower/ falling stars tonight. Would be neat. I looked at it last year with my sister.
I'm so tired. Mom, dad, please come home early so you can walk the dog XD.
PEOPLE! I SLEPT! Okay, it was a shameless 7.30 hours, but the neighbour's dog let me sleep!! I didn't have to get out at all!! NO MIDNIGHT WALKS!
Things 2 do today: use little electricity. Electricity-companies: USE SUN PANNELS! We have enough sun at this moment to give the USA electricity!
Drawing the 4th page of the calendar (it starts to feel more like: I have to do this, instead of: I want to do this), doing a few groceries (what will I eat tonight....?) and maybe even typing episode 56 of Forever Young.
Who knows?
At least I know I can't sleep till midnight. I have to walk that dog at midnight, just to have a decent sleep....

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Why does this dog get so darn active when it gets night??? Oh, and he didn't wake me up at 4 last night. Only at 2 and 5.30 this time. Yes peeps, he woke me up TWICE! Not that the dog actually did anything the 2nd time.... Jeez.
Did draw a lot today, one actual calendar page! A whole one! Not a half one. I'm proud.
That was about it... I'll try and walk this dog at midnight... maybe it will let me sleep then, instead of jumping on my bed twice. And my stomach ackes are still here (less, but still here)- dad told me it's because of the weather. Well, whoever is to blame.... LET IT STOP!
Luckily the weather will become less warm in the next week. Yay for the weather then.

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Where to start? I have a lot to tell, but I doubt if you're all intrested in it.
As I told, I picked up my neighbour's dog, which I will babysit the whole week. My neighbours almost cried when they had to leave him behind =(. I know the feeling. Anyway, the dog is allowed to come upstairs, if I carry him upstairs; something that our own dogs aren't allowed.
So, he slept with me... or at least... I tried to sleep. He was so curious about the sounds of my sister and her boyfriend. All that talking.... The dog just wouldn't lay down!
And finally, finally he lay down and slept. Halfway the night he tried to climb in my bed, but I don't want a dog in my bed, so, I send him off.
Around 4 am, the dog started making sounds. I woke up (how can I ignore that or sleep on, while I wake from the slightest noise?) and he was peeping. So, I said: "Awe no, you gotta be kidding me!"
Yup, he had to go. And since I thought I would be the only airhead who would walk her dog at 4 am, I decided to keep my pyjamas on and just put on some pants.
Figures. When I came out, all of a sudden a car dropped 2 passengers and a motorcycle brought home a friend.... a friend I know as well!
So, I felt really embaressed and my mind worked overtime (well... as much as you can at 4 am) and in a few seconds I decided to put up a big smile and simply greeted 'Good Morning' like there was nothing wrong.
But how ashamed I felt! XD
In the morning it was quite cold actually, and it still was when I went to work. I personally arranged some chaos (I send an e-mail with an apology to the guy it concearns (did I spell that right?! concearn, consirn... both feel awkward!) and I hope he's not angry at me) and then went home. I was home before my payment stopped. Yay me!
Then, after lunch, my stomach started acting weird. Remember last time my neighbour's dog stayed with me? I had to walk him every single hour. Now I went more often than that dog XD. My stomach still hasn't cleared down that much... maybe it has to do with those dreams from a few days ago where I got sick...
Anyway, the dog now lay behind me- oh, he just moved to aside me- and so far I didn't have to walk him that often yet. I will walk him as late as possible, and hope he won't wake me up again... though I have a feeling he soon has to go- again XD.
Todays weather in the Netherlands: Started cold, ended HOT. Poor me. My stomach is already freaked and now weather is doing this to me?!

Friday, August 08, 2003

It's strange to have a dog lying behind me and being behind the computer... strange... I like it... But I'm tired, and I need to walk him as late as possible. Because, if I won't... well, fill in the blanks ^_^. It means less sleep tonight, getting late at work but hell.... as long as I'm back at 1.30 pm, cuz then my office closes. And since I got home (yes, HOME) at 12.30, I don't think it shall be a problem ^_^.
Let's find him a spot in my room....
Let's see, I had 3 dreams last night. I don't know any more which order they were in...
First there was a dream where some guy was heavily obsessed with me and followed me anywhere. He was more than a stalker, because he was almost on TOP of me with everything I did, but I managed to warn a shopkeeper, who warned the police for me.
While they brought me to safety, I got sick (why I mention this you'll find out later). After a while, they thought it was safe again and brought me back, but somehow my stalker got released!! I don't recall if I got away or the cops got him again, but I was safe (I had that feeling anyway)

Dream 2. I was in a train, camping with my class and we would make our own hotdogs. We had dough, we had sausages... (why was there chocolate as well?) ... anyway, I ended up making it all because my class (AND teachers) were lazy. I didn't do anything wrong, and all ate it, but somehow everybody became sick, except for me! (see, again the sick being!). Luckily, no one blamed me (that's a first...)

Dream 3....I think
Again a camping trip, but soon everybody forgot about me. I was suddenly the only one without a bike, and I couldn't jump up by anyone else (because they never offered and I don't like asking things like that) so I had to run along. I was quite fast though.
We went to a market with all those people I couldn't understand. I trashed something, but bought that from the woman because hell- I had money enough and she was poor.
Then a storm appeared and it turns out EVRYBODY had gone home to the camping place, leaving me behind!
And when I finally came home, a guy asked me if I liked jogging and if we could jog together in the morning. I lied and said I would like that, but wondered if I was good enough. The guy was quite old (and had a black beard- maybe even a mustace as well ^_^) and I got all this Totally Spies feeling. Probably we were on a mission or so.
I came in the house, and no one left me a bed to sleep. I had this tiny bench I had to sleep on, and when I woke up the next morning, I saw I was in my grandparent's caravan. Which is weird, because my grandparents are dead...

So, those were my dreams. It's already quite warm and I'm gonna update the site soon. Hurray for me. Demi should come home today, and Stevo tomorrow!! WAI!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

A fan! I have an actual working fan on my room! GOOD BYE HOT SUMMERS! Finally, I will be able to go to bed in a cool room, and not the sahara. But the attic is still hot.
Not much more to tell. Wrote FY 54. Yay me. I think we're at 75% of Season 1 now. And I did half a calendar picture, as well as a design for RB, Feuer and Erde from *secret*. I think RB looks too old (I suck at drawing violins =S), Feuer reminds me of someone but she looks nifty and Erde... not that happy with Erde... We'll see. Tomorrow I'll finish the calendar picture.
Let's go day-dreaming again! That's fun!!
Today I planned to start on another drawing for the calendar, and finish it tomorrow. The day just started, so not much to tell besides this:
I just got the stupidest mail ever! 'Strictly for Kitty Ocean'. It was something like this (in a short version) : I got your adress from my mother and it turns out I'm the lost son of thisandthat president of someafricancountry. I inherited 25 million dollar, but I need your help! Please deposit thisandthat amount of money and I will reward you!
I almost wanted to send back: how stupid do you think I am?
I'M NOT EVEN AMERICAN! How could I have met his mother there?! And I NEVER met his mother and if I would have met his mother, she would have given my REAL name!
Dumb people. I may not be smart- but I have BRAINS!

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

If the world had to depend on MY brains, this world would be pretty doomed >_<. Today I checked out a lot of my old disks; placing it all on my own computer (I want to place it on 1 cd if possible). And gosh, how SMART I was when I was around 15-16 years old *bangs head on the table*
This is how EVERY single disc looked:
- Opens A:\ -
- Contents: 1 folder named Pictures -
- Inside that folder were pictures; between 1 (no kidding!!) and 20 -
Why did I actually make a folder called 'pictures' while I could have simply skipped that?! Why did I make a folder, while I could just have simply put all the pictures in the A:\ directory?
What an annoying work that was.... I even found back some old stories, as well as some very old edits XD Poor Krim!!.
I still have a few disks to check, which are all labeled: 'Back-up in case of 2000'. Yup, I made a back up because of the millenium bug XD.

When I wanted to return the borrowed DVD, I found back the money for returning the bottles. Yay me! Then I started cleaning my room a bit again. It starts to look better and better! It actually LOOKS like a room!
Hey, what did you expect? I was behind with it for about 12 years!
Then I had dinner (half a melon and a pizza- bad me!) and typed part 53 from Forever Young. And now I'm here.
And GUESS WHAT! It ACTUALLY JUST RAINED! I already saw it coming- I'm so smart! I saw those grey clouds and I just KNEW it was going to rain!

Do you understand now why we are doomed if the world has to depend on my brains?
I already hate today. It's already way too hot, and today is the day I picked to clean my room *sighs*.
I also did groceries, and I lost my money for returning the empty bottles. STUPID ME! Lost 2 euro 50!!
Not to mention I made several stupid mistakes this morning in the supermarket.
There are people out there who beg me to know what the movie I wrote yesterday is about. 99% of them hasn't even read season 2 because they are lazy (they actually said that!!). Peeps; you actually think I will tell you the season 4 plot just so you can continue being lazy?
No way ^_^. If you want to know what the movie is about, wait, just like everybody else!! *NYA*

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Blogger keeps on forgetting me XD. And I dreamed something which I still recalled this morning, but forgot now XD. I so suck.
Anyway, guess who dropped a piece of lasagna on her new shirt?! Yup! Indeed!!! That was me! I so suck part 2.
AND, I wrote a new Serenay Moon movie today. Waiting for comments from friends- wait a minute... most reviewers are away on vacation!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That's so evil!
I so su- eh... okay, maybe I don't because I wrote a movie. And I finally posted my book list for the next school year ^_^. Only a month late or so. I so suck- part 3.

Monday, August 04, 2003

I hate starting the same over and over again, but I honestly have nothing much to tell. I dreamed last night I was being accused of something, while everybody refused me to tell where I was accused off! And I was going so well in the scavenger hunt! I want to know if someone finally told me what I was accussed off, but I woke up before it ended... again
I drew some lousy picture for Uumie, because it's BlackOut's b-day. I couldn't come up with something better.
I also made a plot for my new movie which I will type tomorrow and which won't come online for a loooooooooooong time. MUAHAHAHA! I kinda like the story though. I'm not used writing a Serenay Moon story and NOT using the main characters. I already felt weird while writing 'The Things I never said to You.'
What more? My sister cooked again for the first time in weeks. I wish I had cooked. I can cook better ^_^.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Not that much to tell- again. I helped my sister with her new house, and she let me handle heavy machinery *is proud*. But, I soon felt I would loose control, so I decided to scrape old plaster and glue from a wall. It had taken people hours just to removed the wallpaper, and I simply destroyed 3/4th of the wall... which was the plan ^_^. I also removed the glue easily, even though people said my sister had to buy some expensive stuff. I just used water and soap ^_^.
My sister showed me her house and it's very thin and long. Not the place I imagined her ending up in ^_^. It probably will look better after a while. She also showed me the roof, and man those stairs were scary! My sister helped me a lot, but NEVER, NEVER again, until she placed new stairs. It was so high and shaky!
In the end it felt like I didn't help much at all, but my sister says I did. I fixed dinner for her, but she wanted to Barbeque her meat, and I wanted to fry it (I hate BBQ) but in the end she said that the fried meat was very tasty as well ^_^. Yay me!
I finished the first page of the 13 page Calendar of Serenay Moon ^_^. Yay me!!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

First I want to set things right. Bush did NOT say there should be special schools for gay people. Lydia linked in the comments thingie (the one with the superduperveryfirst flame) to an article which explains that. I apologise to Bush for accusing him of that. Other than that, my opinion about Bush hasn't changed. I still think the same about him.
What more? I'm bored. I finished the first page of the calendar, and even though it's not right when it comes to the laws of perspective, I like it... though the colors are too dark at some points =(. I will enhance it with computer this time. Adding some sparkles, and making my mirror look more like a mirror. I will only add a very few sparkles; so don't worry. I just want to make it look good.
Further, I'm still bored. All my online friends from the MSN are away on vacation... and that leaves me.... ALONE *cries in Tsukino Usagi style*!! WAAAAAAAH!! It's so not fair! A whole week without a reason to get online... except for answering mails then.
Oh, and my 2nd picture for the SnapShot Contest is posted at The Realm of Sailor Energy. Go look. And people, don't tell me you will vote for me. I don't want to win because I have the most of friends, I want to win because I'm the best artist... and looking at the competition, I'm not the best *sighs* I still have a lot to learn.

Friday, August 01, 2003

I already wanted to post yesterday evening, but somehow I couldn't get in then. I wanted to type something about a new dream, but I kinda forgot the dream ^_^'.
Not only that, I think I'm starting to mix dreams with reality... well, sometimes. Was it, or was it not that my grandmother said I look a lot like her grandmother when her grandmother was 20?
MSN put itself down *sad sighs* I got up early so I could talk to Stevo, but how can I talk to him if MSN is down?!
What more... what more... well, there is a heatwave coming. And I already think THIS is too hot!!
Today I want to start drawing the calendar and I still need to do something for BlackOut's B-day. I thought it was later in August! Woops ^_^.
And in September Spirited Away will come on video and dvd! Can't wait to rent it!! I heard it is really great!
Oh, and btw, yesterday I got my first flame *is proud and has it framed above her bed*. Only thing I have to say about it: Just like everybody else, I am entitled to my own opinion. The Constitution (I hope I spelled it right- I dropped my dictionary and am too lazy to pick it up and look it up again XD) has a small part about it ^_^. Freedom of speech and all.
Anyway, I hope that flamer will come back! I would love to get to know him/ her better!