Friday, August 01, 2003

I already wanted to post yesterday evening, but somehow I couldn't get in then. I wanted to type something about a new dream, but I kinda forgot the dream ^_^'.
Not only that, I think I'm starting to mix dreams with reality... well, sometimes. Was it, or was it not that my grandmother said I look a lot like her grandmother when her grandmother was 20?
MSN put itself down *sad sighs* I got up early so I could talk to Stevo, but how can I talk to him if MSN is down?!
What more... what more... well, there is a heatwave coming. And I already think THIS is too hot!!
Today I want to start drawing the calendar and I still need to do something for BlackOut's B-day. I thought it was later in August! Woops ^_^.
And in September Spirited Away will come on video and dvd! Can't wait to rent it!! I heard it is really great!
Oh, and btw, yesterday I got my first flame *is proud and has it framed above her bed*. Only thing I have to say about it: Just like everybody else, I am entitled to my own opinion. The Constitution (I hope I spelled it right- I dropped my dictionary and am too lazy to pick it up and look it up again XD) has a small part about it ^_^. Freedom of speech and all.
Anyway, I hope that flamer will come back! I would love to get to know him/ her better!

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