Monday, August 18, 2003

So, I have a new page :) An art page. It's free and has unlimited space. I think I may use it often....
Finished the calendar picture (FINALLY), and did about 85% of the stupid insane questions of the summer course... now the other few are still left. Darn.
I slept wonderful last night, but I'm still tired XD.
I went shopping with mommy today. Bought 3 books from Paul van Loon, CD cases, gel pens for special letters and a bear with a (probably plastic) birthstone ^_^.
I keep on forgetting what I wanted to say XD. Probably nothing important. Tomorrow I'll try and type Serenay Moon episode 70 (yuppers!! But I completely forgot to think about it, so I had no plot in mind XD- I'll sleep a night about this plot, and type tomorrow), and maybe even another Forever Young story. But I also need to finish 80% of the other stupid insane useless asignments from that stupid summer course...
I wonder when my school books will get delivered... and I wonder why I haven't had any mail from Het Net yet, telling me there has been no activity at my clubs for 2 weeks.... I'll may check it out tomorrow.
So, my tomorrow to do list:
- Serenay Moon 70
- Stupid Assignments part 1
- Forever Young 56
Yay me....

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