Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finished!!... for now XD

Today I worked really hard and finished my Secret Project!... well, kinda XD I still need to make special drawings and it needs to be checked for typo's. But I am proud. There are some glitches already (like the font that doesn't want to be transferred to the pdf file... except the title O.o), but I have about a week to get those out of the file. I asked my dad to print it out, so it can be taken along to France, so I can check it in the vacation. But no matter how often you look, no matter how detailed... you'll end up being blind for your typos. Hence why my dad will check as well.
Hence why I hope my mom will check as well XP.
Anyway, that was my day. My butt hurts from sitting too much XD

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