Saturday, November 28, 2009


Wow, I never expected a conversation to escalate. Am I not entitled of my own opinion? I respect the opinions of others... even when they do not respect mine. But from some people, I had expected they would respect mine *shakes head*

It has happened more than once. People who totally go into defence-mode because my opinion differs from them. Doesn't difference of opinion colour the world? And I like a good discussion! It's fun, trying to convince others of my opinion, while they try to convince me!

Sometimes opinions do not change, but is that what matters? It's so awesome to see how other people think!

But alas, that opinion is not shared as well... I am expected to stay silent...

...And that is one thing I will not do. I have a voice and I belief in what I say. If you cannot share my opinion, that if fine, but do not expect me to change it just to please you.

I am not a hypocrit. That's one thing I do not want to be and one thing I shall not be.

And I'm darn proud of that as well!

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