Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Nothing to say :)

Sorry, really. Honestly. So have some links instead!!

http://felinalover.deviantart.com/ -- awesome psycedelic and fractal art. Truely awesome.

http://sanderg.deviantart.com/ -- pretty photos!!

http://lightmanone.deviantart.com/ -- even more pretty photos!

http://zaylie.deviantart.com/ -- cute cute art!

http://acrocat.deviantart.com/ -- Hama Weaving made Art!

And goodness, this is team 1 from the DA meet as well!


Kiyoshi said...

Zaylie is also known as arisa-tan.deviantart.com

Thanks for the links! :)

Kitty Ocean said...

She has so many accounts... it's so hard to pick just one XD