Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Meet Miss Swiss Cheese

My brain is being an idiot again XD Each morning I wake up, remember the dream, decide to write about it, get home after work... poof, dream gone! And then, when I lay myself down in my bed again... the dream comes back again! Gaah, idiot I am XD

Writing it down? Huh? My dreams are not interesting enough to get up again XD. Yes, me ish lazy. When it's midnight, I am lazy. So sue me.

What else... work was awesome today. Almost all calls were finished within 2.5 minutes, but a few calls above that totally ruined my score ¬¬. I could also do work for the main office again, but it didn't go that fast... the fact the system went flatline didn't help either XD I could have done seriously nothing, but I dislike just sitting and doing nothing, so I did random chores :)

Oh, and another drawing I made, but which is reserved for a friend's gallery only... Go enjoy!

Goddesses from the past... by ~Rose74 on deviantART

Oh yeah, and I plan to update my website tonight again, in case anyone is interested...

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