Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Hiya all! A whole day without me; how did you survive?!
Sunday: studied the whole day. Nothing important. Oh yeah, and I made a drawing saterday evening. No biggie- same as, same as.
Monday: I studied 6 hours for my final- and was finished in 15 minutes. Come on!!!! 6 hours of studying and then I get a 15 minutes test?! Who made that thing up?! I was quite insulted.
Then I started studying for the test from today. It took me 3 hours in today and the test too me 40 minutes- now that's a good test! I just hope I both made it.
Anyway, yesterday I also went to that 'go-or-face-the-consequenses' meeting from my job. Well, no one was in the mood and only came for the free coffee and cake. Yeah, me too, though I don't drink coffee. Or tea. It was really really boring and while sitting there I tried to remember the things I had to remember for my final final- which was today.
What is more to say? Oh yeah, I have a friend who is so selfish. Yeah, the same one as I whined a while ago; the one who thinks showing a cellphone is more important than a Buffy Eppie.
There; that was it. I think. Tomorrow I need to draw the whole day. You'll see why.

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