Monday, June 17, 2002

Yesterday I ate at a restaurant near home and felt like walking home. When I asked my parents if it was okay, they looked at my as if I was really sick! But I was allowed it anyway. And I forgot it was Father's Day; I already gave a present though.
Anyway, because there is nothing more to tell, I'll tell you about a dream I once have and never forgot.
I was in the swimming pool when suddenly a girl attacked me with a butchers knife. I had no bleeding cuts, but those white scars you sometimes get. Anyway, I still feel the blade running over my back *shivers* And when I finally saw her face... I saw it was ME! I was the one who attacked me...... weird.... but the whole day I kept on looking at my arms for those white lines. It had been about a year or 2 since I had that dream and I still remember it. Next time, I'll tell you about another old dream; one I had each year of elementery school.
Yup, I'm weird ^_^. I know

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