Sunday, June 23, 2002

Sailor Orion's Refuge has re-opened! Mega-Wai!!

My Senshi Colors Are:

Black: Mysterious, Melancholy, Calm

Blue: Emotional, Sensitive, Dreamy

Get Your Senshi Colors At

Find your Realm of Influence at

Water?!?! Well duh!!!! Born under Mars, a fire sign, but still a lot of water influences in me. In that way, I really look like Kitt: Water and Fire seem to mix inside me.

My Sailor Moon Theme Song

Moonlight Densetsu

You are a friendly and kind person who understands the power of friendship and love. You have many creative talents and are constantly looking on the bright side, but can also expect too much of yourself at times.

Find your theme song at

Find Out Which Senshi You Are At

Mercury?!?! Huh?!

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