Saturday, June 15, 2002

People are reading my blog?! Yeah, I was as surprised as you were! Never knew my boring life would be reading material ^_^. Anyway, I made my oral exam (of course).
So, some of your might wanna read about this, so it has happened! After 5 years I got my first computer virus! It might have come with those weird mails I kept getting: just plain empty messages but a big size anyway (and no attachements). Really weird. So, if you get a message from someone you don't know and it has no subject: DELETE! Don't look at it! My friends said that the virus was put in the HTML-code so opening the mail is already infective.
What does it do? Well, if we are talking about the same virus, it's called Worm/ Happy Time (I think-yeah) and destroys HTML or HTM files. I think HTT files too, but I'm not sure. Anyway, these things are quickly remade so no big damage done to Serenay Moon. Neither the re-do.
I think that was it. I planned to clean my room today ^_^. Let's GO FOR IT! I'm looking for an old script I once wrote: Het Zwarte Masker (The Black Mask). I already found parts one and 2 back, but 3 is kinda missing. I wrote it when I was about 13 years old. Crappy plot, fun story ^_^.

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