Thursday, January 23, 2003

Day 11 of my busy weeks - BOILING MAD

I hate that teacher who was supposed to learn me how to teach is reality (called jerk in this post). Today was my last day of my intern ship (thanks Cat, you rule! But was it interm or intern?) and that guy never told the class it was my last day, and he never said good bye either! I have to return something tomorrow, but I bet that he won't say a thing than too!
Not only that- jerk had to give me an evaluation (?) about how it went. I didn't make enough progress according to him! Just because I couldn't give math, had trouble with the 'circle' (where kids can talk about how their day went) , had trouble keeping order and didn't ask enough (there wasn't anything to ask!!) I didn't make progress.
It isn't any progress at all that I now learned how to plan things, can give extra asignments, end an asignment and have more selfconfidence- according to him!
He only told me the bad points. He has always been so cold, but not even saying good bye?! Not even saying: Good luck? NOT INFORMING THE KIDS!?
3 girls asked me to stay 15 minutes after school and they came back with a big of candy. Sweet from them. They have been a hard class and I really tried. That was something that jerk saw: I put enough energy in it. I'm just not suited for it!
So far I had 3 internships, 2 with old kids, one with todlers. The todlers evaluation was great, the 2 others were bad ones. Am I suitable for being a teacher?!
Today was the worst day ever- even worse than the days I gave math.... I feel so..... so.... unwanted.

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