Monday, January 13, 2003

Day one of the busy weeks....

Yeah guys, I'm busy. This week I'm the whole week at my class to teach and I also have to do many projects at the same time. All needs to be finished next week friday- and if I'll finally be able to stick to my scedule I'll even have one day spare. Or even 2! So, wish me luck!! And then I'll still be able to be online from 8 till 10 pm!
Today I gave drawing lessons and history lessons to my class I made 100% myself. History started out fine, but halfway the attention was suddenly gone =S. Weird! It was about the Renaissance. Wednesday will be lesson 2 (there are 3 lessons).
Drawing lessons went kinda okay. Half of the class really enjoyed it, while the other half was kinda..... well... half? I guess it would be more like 5 or 6 kids who bugged me. But, then they'll see that in their grade ^_^. Oh don't worry, I'll grade them a right way, but the kids that bugged me hardly payed attantion and you see that in the drawing ^_^. Some kids even said: 'Well, finally something I like to do!'
I gave them simplefied atonomy lessons ^_^. They are only 12 and I think a few really went good! I guess my How to Draw lessons for the site will come*afraid to say* June-July.......... Just like the timeline and quiz.

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