Sunday, January 05, 2003

I've finally managed to draw Ariës and Reia, from episode... eh... 42? Tricks and Traps. To you it may seem: oh woopy, but to me it means so much more. Ariës and Reia lived in my head for a long time, and origionally belong to Forever Young (that story I want to write one time in my life). They were the daughters of the main character. Ariës looked a lot like her mother, with her fiery spirit (notice Aries in het name). Reia looked more like her father; being calm and stuff. I've always wanted to draw them, but always looked so crappy.... and now... finally... they look okay! I even managed to draw Reia's hair! And I've never been able to do that before!
Okay, they look a tad different, but even the clothes are partly from their first design!!
I've got to draw them better.... wished I coul do it today. Kaim on the other hand is still a pain in the ****. >_<

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