Friday, November 13, 2009


So, Winx Club finally is worth my notion... and then they ruin it again with the last episode. It's so un-winx-like! Complete disappointment. *sighs* I mean, killing off a bad guy is one thing, killing off an important character is another! Making a series more mature is also one thing... but this completely traumatised the peer group! Seriously, you should read the reviews, kids and teens cried (one compared this character's death with Michael Jackson's death O.o). A lot. Really a lot. Sure, that's also a compliment, if you can make people cry, but again: un-winx-like. Winx is (mostly) about happy flowers and kitties.

Talking about Winx Club... once again I got the comment my art style looks too much like Winx Club. I've been drawing from 1999, the Winx Club's oldest sketches (online) date from 2000. Elfquest is my main influence, not those fairies!
Also, I once heard that my drawing of the character Kitty Ocean was 'the worst Bloom' that person ever saw. And I was like... WHAAT?! They don't look alike AT ALL!

And people still don't see why I hate Winx Club. It's not because of the series, it's not about the art, not about the characters.... It's about the FANS! The fans, who keep on telling me I STOLE my art style from a series that got on TV years AFTER I established my art style.

The only Winx Club fan who I do like, is a kid who can see the difference. And guess what, she's an artist herself.

So, Winx Club fans, you have your work cut out for you! Can you all help me love a series that has been ruined by people who can't see the difference between a pear and a boat?

Also, Winx Club Artists... the correct phrase on the sign should be 'Open' and not 'Opened'. XP


Kiyoshi said...

Het spijt me dit te zeggen maar ik dacht ook dat je avatar Bloem was...

Kitty Ocean said...

Bloom heeft oranje haar XP Deze avatar komt van de tekening KATUK - een soort van Fan Parody op WITCH (de tegenhanger van Winx Club). Ik kan nog wel meer verschillen noemen, maar het okerkleurige haar en het oranje haar zijn tcoh wel grote verschillen XP