Thursday, September 05, 2002

I'm so evil. Yesterday I wasn't in the mood to blog, so I didn't do it! Bwahaha!!! What happened yesterday? Nothing much, I was so bored but not in the mood to do anything! I gave my first swimming lessons again and the kids seemed to like it. I also decorated my school t-shirt. I drew Kitt on it (very quickly so it's not that good) and wrote my site adress on it. Who knows?!
Today I had school again and well... it was not that intresting. Though, something happened that made me feel warm. We had to form groups from 4 and 3 people said to a 4th one: 'sorry, you can't come into our group because we already have a group of 4 people. Kitt is in it too!'
I didn't had to look for a group! I'm already part of one! This... is... *sniff* so... new for me. I've always been an outcast... but now I'm accepted in a group! *sniffs*

Okay... I'm not gonna cry.... I'm gonna post part 5
Kitt Goes France
Chapter 5: 3 boring days

You might remember what happened last episode; me, my parents and my uncle and aunt were accused of biting dogs. The next day my uncle and aunt went to the police; asking for explanation, because the life guards were really rude! While they were gone, I wrote in my journal.
That night; how was it else possible, it had rained like hell! And I'm sleeping in a tent! Sure, then you stay dry... but if you have to go to the bathroom.... Luckily I had one close; but I really hate it when I have to crawl in bed wet >_<. That day I finished more drawings and I found out my elbows and feet were 'a bit' burned.
After that, my uncle and aunt came back. They had talked to the police and the lifeguards and they got an apology: 'We were under a lot of stress; new people bla bla bla.' Like I care. That's no reason at all to accuse our dogs for nothing! The policeman said they didn't want to listen to my aunt (who speaks french well) because she was a foreigner, but that he had to listen to him. And they did! We were told where our dogs could walk freely and where not, so all was cleared up. All well that ends well, or whatever the english saying might be ^_^.
That afternoon I bought a new small drawing book because I thought I might need it. I expected to draw really a lot! And my big sketchbook is almost full (I didn't manage to get it full though >_<), so I thought: why not?
In that same store my mom bought fish for the grill. I don't like fish. I mean, I love to see them swim, but I think they taste aweful! And what did they have there?! A swordfish (Marlijn in dutch, I think), a shark (no wonder Jaws was so angry!), octopus and you could choose your own crab! And they were alive too! 'Oh look honey, let's pick that one and cook him tonight! He walks so funny!'. Like pointing at someone and saying: 'Okay, you are going to die tonight'. I hate that, I truly felt like walking on a graveyard. (And then I eat flesh- weird huh?). I'm glad my mom and dad don't do that. They hardly eat crab, and when they do, they eat it while it is a long time dead.
And to proove how much I dislike fish: I gave my piece to my dad. Salmon... yuck! No thanks, no more fish from the grill for me!
That night I had one hell of a dream. It was really cool and I wonder why Titus (I think he's called that way; the main guy of FFX) was in it. It had a lot of holograms in it and was really cool. I wrote down the plot; I hope I can use it one day.
I drew a lot of drawings that day, however, when I drew a picture of Mika, I had some trouble. 3 times the light went off. Some power failure. My dad had called my sister and she had told it was freaking bad weather in the Netherlands. Hehe. *evil grin*
My dad is pretty obsessed with so called cryptograms; they give you a sentence which seem to make no sense at all and then you have to find a word that they mean. My dad and I came up with a lot of cryptograms for each other. I can't give you an example; I only know Dutch ones...Oh wait! It's not as good as a dutch one, but hey: A friendly Englishman in a French town.... 4 letters. The answer will follow soon! Think quickly!
So, a little bit more text. Our smallest dog Holly tries to catch a ball in the air. She had never done that before! But she had so much fun... and so did we! Seeing her trying to catch something and then see her fail! Hehe, so cute! And she always shakes it when she has it; like: Death to all balls! So cute!
On the 11th of August, I didn't write anything. I only made a few drawings... a few?... ehm... me?
Well, here is the answer: A friendly Englishman in a French town.... 4 letters. The answer is Nice. Why? A friendly Englishman ~> Nice. Nice is another English word for friendly. Nice is also a town in France. I hope you understand now what I mean with cryptogram!

To be continued...

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