Friday, September 06, 2002

Sorry if my spelling isn't the best. I only have 5 fingers right now. And I only use 3 of them. It's cuz I'm eating. Yup, that commercial is right: women are good at doing 2 things at the same time. And I can do even more! I could eat, read a magazine and watch tv at the same time. And actually knowing what's going on too!
I didn't eat that much yet today. I bought a small cake on school (I traded my freaking schoolcard (which you can buy food with) for another; it kept on doing weird things!), ate a free Mc Donalds Ice Cream (it was huge and hey, 2 hands again!) and about 30 seconds ago I ate a Wasa Sandwich cracker. I like how it tasts. I loved the Pizza version, but they don't have it any more. My fav. are now Unions, cheese, ham and Ham-cheese. I don't like the cheese version that much.
Yesterday I went to bed at 9.30; and I slept about an hour later. I had a bad dream *sniffs*; my grandfather was in it. That wouldn't be too much of a problem, if it wasn't for the fact he died about 5 years ago! There had been an earthquake and he predicted 2 more. Still, no problem, but then my mom and I saw a lizard and she wanted a picture from it, so I captured it. She then wanted the mesure it and we accidentally ripped of his head *shivers and sniffs* That's the second time I had a dream where I decapitated an animal! The first was about my pet hamster and not much later it died because I forgot to feed it. I'm sooooo glad we don't have any lizards any more! I hate dreams like this. I love animals. And I wished my grandfather was now here... I never had such a great bond with him as with my other grandfather (that died about 6 years ago) but I do miss him.
*deep sighs with a sniff* Oh well, I depressed you too much. How about chapter 6?

Kitt goes France
Chapter 6: Probably nothing intresting

The next day, 3 new people came. One of them was a German family, but since German looks a bit like Dutch, I could understand them... even if it was a bit. The other 2 belonged to, who I have named, Crazy Family. I hate Crazy Family. They are so nosey and I hate their twindaughters. They are so bratty!
The German family, on the other hand, was very nice. They listened carefully to me and tried to help me speaking german as good as possible. They were really patient. And they adored my drawings! Especially the one I made for episode 48 (The Choice that broke my Heart). I had to design a dress for Mika which looked impressing, so to me that means a lot of 'trinkets'. I hate 'trinkets' on a dress. I like plain dresses. Not too much details and so on. But this dress had to be detailed! And they loved it! 'Sehr Schön', as they said.
Tiamat had asked me to make up questions for a Serenay Moon quiz. I wonder... will 55 different questions be enough?
My dad insisted I should go outside and I wondered why. I would only see Crazy Family which I totally wasn't in the mood for! Their kids only played with each other (jealousy? possible at that time) and you could easily see who was the boss in the group, and who was the outcast. Poor kid, even her baby sister was higher in rank then that poor girl! She so reminded me of me when I was young... always last to be picked... and these were cousins!
Well, at that time I remembered something that happened 2 days ago. I had to go to the bathroom again and I left my tent. Suddenly I saw something big and black moving! Waah! I was startled; SPIDERS! But no, it was not a spider. It was a small toad. I remembered that toad; 3 days ago it hid under our tent (before the caravan). I picked it up and brought him to safety.
The next evening, the toad came AGAIN! What was this? A toad invasion? Would this tiny creature be a spy? You never know... you can't trust anything nowadays. Streetlights suddenly jump behind your car when you drive backwards, as well as trees. And if Birds starts a war (Chapter 2; Paris)... who knows?!
I also saw 3 shooting stars; I was so lucky! No one else saw them. They don't believe me either >_<. Oh well. I didn't wish for anything, I have everything I could wish for.
After I woke up, we went to the beach and would go to Rayon. It was said to be a big city with a lot of shops, but we had to go by boat. So, we took the ferry and took the dogs along. They didn't like it at all ^_^!. Even though my biggest dog is very fond of swimming, this was something she was scared of! And my smallest dog was one big stresschicken too.
Rayon turned out to be quite boring. Clothes, clothes and nothing but clothes. We really walked a lot, and when we decided to go back, the smallest one of our dogs was très fatige; very tired. So tired, that my mother decided to carry her. My dad took over though and at home it turned out she had a small pebble between her toes. Maybe that was what was bugging her. That same dogs also always barks at other dogs, but suddenly we saw one of the same breed.... and she didn't bark! For the first time! *is very astounded*
And again, that night, our little private toad had visited our tent. What was so comfy about our tent? The next day it was 37 degrees (Dutch ones) and that was very, very, very hot *melts*. I went to a big mall with my dad and I just saw the coolest slippers. But, as usual... they didn't have them in my size..... *sniffs* And then... I saw it... and giggled. I saw a pair of paints with a really famous figurine: Sailor Moon! I didn't buy it though, it didn't look that well, but they had Sailor Moon pants! And Power Puff Girls jackets! *laughs* This was so funny!
At other shop, a woman tried to cut line by being a bit pushy... and that is something you shouldn't do with me! *evil grin* If someone wants to go first and hopes we'll ask her because she has so little- but does it a pushy way (!!)... I always do very slow.... so slow.... I once had a pushy woman behind me and I let an old lady behind me go first... Oh, she was so annoyed! Just as much as that woman in France! Hehe.
My mom and dad left that aftertoon and buyed Ceramique (?) Lizzards. They wer quite big and are now stuck on our shed ^_^.
Not too many nights ago, Crazy Family decided to go eating at 10 pm! And then they have the nerve to claim our radio is too loud!! Especially since we hardly can hear it! This night, Crazy Family decided to eat a bit earlier but way more stupid! My dad told me a trick: if you flames on the barbecue get too big, you must throw salt on it. It will kill the flames, but not the burning embers. But nooooooooo, what did Crazy Familie do?! They sprayed water on it! My dad was buzy on another barbecue; only 7-10 meters away... and suddenly he was gone! Smoke was everywhere! And does Crazy Family listen to advice? Of course not! Daddy... where are you? Hello? Daddy! Oh, are you still there? Can't see you!

To be continued...

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