Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh yeah... That's right...

I have a blog... well, my head is a bit chaotic tonight. I have so much to do, which I usually manage with ease... but my brain is not convinced.

Left to do:
  • Neopets
  • GaiaOnline
  • FY episode (can be send later)
  • FY Newsletter (just doing things in advance)
  • ... if I can think of something: a Pen-i
  • Filling in the form for an Open Air Galleria in September

Time needed? Estimated: 2 hours, if I put my shoulders underneath it (dutch expression). So let's get started!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

So, yeah

I was done early today, so I could do all my stuff and get home early. Yeah, that was fun. Freaking hot, but fun. And then I found out there was a new Haruhi Suzumiya episode. Gosh darnit - almost 15,000 times?! (story related thingie; watch and see!).
And now I'm doing stuff last minute again XP

I just never learn XD.

And that was about all XD Check out my gallery soon: http://kittyocean.deviantart.com/; new art coming up!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Excuse me, reality?

Hello, Reality. Hello, Life. Hello, World.

May I have a word with you? I'd like to introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. Maybe you can visit them, because they seem to have never met you guys.

Like the one who keeps on dwelling in the past.
Or the one who can't take a compliment.
Or the one who thinks the Netherlands is filled with stupid people.
Or the one who thinks I could never understand the pressure he/she/it is under.
Or the one who believes an insane person over the words that come out of my mouth.
Oh wait, there's 2 people who are like that.
Or the one who thinks I don't see through his/her/its lies.
Or the one who never heard of the word 'thank you.'
Or the one who has never learned how to be grateful.

You see, I want to stay their friend, but I have this little nag for wanting something in return. A sense of reality. A bit of understanding. Being grateful for what I'm doing for that person. And accepting that what I say could be truth.

Truely, I love my friends, but these people (won't tell how much people I'm talking about) make it harder and harder for me to talk to them.

And just to be certain: I am NOT talking about my friend La Uum. She's always there for me. And so is Rocket Stevo. Those two are the best friends a person could wish. They listen to me when I'm having issues and do their best to make me happy. And in return, I try to give them the same back. Even if they have little time, they try to make time for me. Those few moments we spend together, being it online or in real life, are always precious.

Please take care of them, Life.
Please look after them, Reality.
Please protect them, World.

And if you find some time, do take a moment to kick some of my friends on their behinds. They so need to get to know you.

(If you think this rant is about you... I won't tell you if it is about you or not. Most of my friends are NOT like above, but if I name all those who aren't like this, the ones who are like this will find it out like that. Also, I have a LOT of friends, online and offline. Anyway, now you know what I 'expect' of my friends. It isn't much; honestly. If you think this is too much...)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I'm so tired XD The last day of the Swimming Season; the last lessons... Though I'll miss the kids, I'll certainly will NOT miss getting up early on a saturday XP Another year passed, with only 1 minor accident (and the only result was a crying child, nothing more *phew*). And I made sure they won't miss me! MUAHAHAHAHA! They swam sooo hard XD And so much! I hope the kids who will go to the exam tonight will do their best. Gaaaah! I'm so nervous! Especially since I won't be there! Maybe for the best as well XP I'm almost so nervous XD Want to give them last minute tips etc.

Especially F. F. is a kid who has trouble controlling his body, but we couldn't keep him behind for a 5th time. He improved a lot ever since we had him (seriously, the day we got him, we thought: where the heck did he come from?!), but he sometimes misunderstand the assignment or loses the control of his motor skills (is that the word? Motoriek in Dutch). Lately he has been doing great and both the other teacher and I agreed he should go. I'm excited to find out how he will do! Good luck, F! We're already proud of you!

As a matter of fact, I'm proud of ALL the children I taught this year, whether they will have their exams this afternoon or not! See you again in the next year!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Customer of the day!

Older man: Oh Miss, they are such wonderful movies! You should really watch them with your husband!
Me: .... Only if they deliver a husband with the movies.
Older man: (laughs) Oh, I'm sorry, but they are so amazing!
Me: Well, if they include a husband in the shipping, I will definitaly order those movies!


I'd be a hypocrit if I'd say I personally would miss Michael Jackson. The guy always creeped me out, while some of his music was enjoyable to me. However, dying at age 50, no matter how much someone creeps me out, is too young. I was a bit skeptical about his Come Back Tour, but I'm sad to read he won't be able to build things up any more. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually died of a broken heart. I hope you finally found your peace, mister Jackson. Your last few years have been rough, actually, more like hell, so... rest in peace. You shall be remembered.

I'm also curious how many people will say he pulled an Elvis.

Anyway, I dreamed again last night and it was quite the intresting one. It featured Ash, Misty and Brock at a bit older age than in Pokémon. Gradually Misty changed into me and Ash in... someone else. A boy I knew yet didn't know. And Brock? No idea; he was suddenly gone.

The boy, I and 2 other kids (Dw. from High School and Ke. from elementary/college) had magical powers and we were locked up in a research lab. We always tried to escape, but the boy (called B. for a moment) and me finally managed to escape by jumping into a river and turning into mermaids (ehm, mermaid and merman XP). We couldn't leave Dw and Ke behind though. So, we disguised ourselves and returned, finding out Dw and Ke were turned into babies! Due to our powers, I manage to flee with them, but of course I was called The Bad Woman who stole babies. The fact THEY turned teenagers into babies, was not bad at all!

B. and I fled to a tropical island, where we raised the kids, but age 12, we told them the truth. Ke. wanted to return and lead a normal life, so I brought him back upon his request. He never betrayed me, so one day I left, leaving him with his normal life, as he requested. However, he realised he only wanted that life if his 'mom' was living with him, so he tried to escape. Since I'm such a good parent, I never really left XP. Together we fled and we were all together again...

The dream got another time jump and Dw. and Ke. got a child together, while B and I never left them. The research agency found us and came for a visit, declaring they would leave us alone. However, they had one more thing to do and sedated both B and I, to inject us with... the same stuff they had injected Dw. and Ke.! Now we too were 11-12 years younger and one of the agents said: "We stole away your childhood, the least we could do is return half of it..."

And then I woke up. I do recall a feeling of happiness, because this would mean B. and I could get a child as well (we were too old, as we thought, before the potion). But what would we tell our children? And would they be safe? The agency promised us a normal life, while they never gave us that. Plus, B. and I were wanted criminals for stealing babies...

Anyway, it was an adventurous dream. *nod* I enjoyed it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Odd, ever since I got a TV on my room, I've been watching movies quite a lot XP. All animations by the way. Unless you count Muppets as Live Action... ANYWAY, I've been drawing again as well, a reference for Sushi. It's quite hard to draw her; the only time I seem to get her looking good is in front-view (en face). With Naraku it's 3/4th view though.

Today wasn't the best day at work. The customers were sometimes cranky and unreasonable. Most were okay though, but the few exceptions sticked. Like the man who expected us to change our entire system so he would get 2 more weeks to pay. And some losers look up my collgues online, harrassing them ¬¬. And are they courageous enough to sign it with their names? Of course not! Why would you do that? It's way more courageous to threaten someone and sign with a fake name!

Other than that... life is fine :) I actually like some of the Belgium-dub-voices :) As long as they don't try to be funny, the dub voices are quite good ^_^ (I mean: taking Belgium actors 'because Belgium voices are funny' is so wrong. The serious actors are so good!)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weird Dreams

Me and my weird dreams XD It was only a fragment, but a funny one.

There was an area where they wanted to built houses etc, but company didn't get the finances. So, they asked random people on the street if they wanted to buy a piece of the area. One of my friends had bought 6 tiles, so I said I wanted to buy 6 tiles next to his XD (The tiles were quite big, btw). Eventually, we decided to built a house onto those 12 tiles. The houses were tiny (barely held a bed XP) and we slept on my side (bunk-beds/stapelbedden), and cooked/lived on his side. We also built a second floor, which held all our manga. It was tiny, but we didn't care, because we had moved out of our parental houses and were living on our own XP

That's about all I remember. Work passed pretty darn slow today *yawn* And I think I have a Pen-I idea. I will probably draw that tomorrow morning; tonight I wanna watch a DVD and draw on my room. Just peace and quiet... *sighs happily* I already watched Muppets in Space; it was better than I recalled. I think I should watch Muppet Movies about once a decade XP.

But still, from Muppets take Manhattan... Muppet Babies?! XD The Cartoon was okay, but the puppets... somehow SCARY XD

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I've probably used that title before. I'm really tired, but I dunno why. Sure, having slept about 7 hours doesn't help and my brain feels dead... but usually I can pull SOME motivation together to do my work. I want to do so much, but I simply hang behind my laptop... After House, I'll go to bed *nods*

Today I worked. 7.5 hours of answering mails, calls... when I sleep less, I get some superiority streak. Especially against stupid people... "Why can't I log in in my account?" ... Because you have none? Seriously, you have to make an account before you can log into one XD It's not like we have accounts for every person in he world when they get born XD

Other than that, I re-read some FYE4. Is it bad if I laugh about my own stories? But I thought it was funny XD And exciting... and sad... Oi, that's pretty pathetic XD Isn't it? To actually like your own work?

I also made some Pen-i Stock comics that had been waiting on me for weeks XP. Not that I already know what to do for this week's Pen-i... Took me way too long too. If I had only put some energy into it, I would have been finished within the hour XD

Work tomorrow again, but a short day. There's less work, so it means less people can work. No, I do not fear for my job. Well, a bit. My contract ends in August or so, so it's renewel or looking for a new job. It's just slow at the moment. It will pick up soon... I hope. Working less = less money. And while I complain a lot, I do like my job. Who doesn't complain? It's work!

I do hope I get a new contract. Looking for a new job, finding a new place in the social atmosphere... Starting all over again would soooo suck. So yeah, I hope I get a new contract. So I'm giving it the best I can!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Yeah... well

So yeah, I need to post a blog entry. Let's see...

1. When I woke up, I remembered a dream with lots of 'Scar-looking Lions'. It included lots of ruining, but that's about all I remember.

2. I made a whole plan for today, but I got inspiration for a drawing; the cover of book 3! I wanted to sort more music for a mood cd, but drawing goes first :) The drawing will have to be super sad!

3. I'm thinking about splitting book 3 into 2: book 3a and 3b. Why? To make the book cheaper. The final decision will be made AFTER I know how much pages book 3 had.

4. I picked up that bike lock I ordered. Man, it was further away than I guessed O.o And yet I managed to do all within the hour... I am amazed! Since I went directly from work, the way to the shop was about 30 minutes; the way back to my home 15 minutes. Luckily I have my new bike, my old one would have surely killed me!

5. I just recalled I should post another story at The Story Vault. Let's do that XD

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Twitter or Blog?

Ever since I started using my blog again, I started using Twitter less and less XD. This is partly due to work (can't Twit when at work; and what should I say then XD?) and partly because otherwise I would say the same in my twit as in my blog.

Well, first hings first: Gosh-darn-it, everybody loves Sulfur XD. I'm at the 6th chapter of Lith..Lit... ehm, the new version of BlackOut and some things never change XD. I'm still loving the story, so keep on going Uum!

Other than that, a few months ago my sister said: 'I want to get rid of my old TV. You want to have it?'. So, I was like: 'Sure'. Because of Father's Day, we picked it up yesterday, trying to surprise my dad (we wanted to take him out for dinner), but somehow he already knew on tuesday ¬¬. We don't know why, because we honestly arranged almost everything while he was not around and I've kept my mouth shut totally! He did stay silent too though. Maybe he just can predict the future XD.
ANYWAY, we picked up the TV and my sister accidentally slipped the surprise, but she managed to correct things nicely. And then, when I started about what to get for dinner, my dad appearantly started doubting, but still, he knew...
My brother-in-law helped with getting the TV to my room. The thing is HUGE. My first TV and it's big XD And then he said: "Hey, I have a DVD-player here; wanna have it?" I was like: ... "I have three of them anyway."
So, I not only have a TV now, I also have a TV stand (finally, I can put away my watercolours equipment!) and a DVD player! I also hooked up the VCR, since we still have a lot of VHS tapes (Ooh! I can watch the Anime Tapes I got from a friend! Yay!).

I wanted to hook up my Wii, but my mom forbid me ¬¬. "What if I want to play with it? Then I have to go to your room!" Logical; if I want to play on it with people, I first need to guide them through the entire house XD. But mom... you NEVER play with it XD Ah well, less stuff in my room ;)

Well, today I finished the corrections of my second book. There were still a few points my editors and I have missed (actually, only comma's and stuff like 'the' instead of 'a') and they had changed my index-suggestion a LOT, which I will ask them to change back XP. I also saw the final cover design.
I had already gathered the corrections weeks ago, so I was done early XD Otherwise I would have had way little time, since everything needs to be handed in by Wednesday! O.o I probably would have made that, but still... wow...

Well, now that that is done... back to my 'scedule'... I'm thinking about postponing Maryoku-HTML editing to my vacation, because I can then re-read the entire story XP. Waves may not get online after all, since my co-writer would really like to see it published as a book.
Swimming classes will soon be over and I'm thinking I will fill the days with drawing, writing, gaming and finally finishing up the Serenay Moon site! Well, not 100% finished, because then I will hardly have anything left to update, but at least prepare things! Like the Manga... Lots of work.

Suddenly I want to do soooo much!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Schedule = Gone

At least, for now.

- My extra lock for my bike won't come until the afternoon and I'll be gone then. Postponed till monday
- I got the FINAL FINAL version of book 2. I will edit that tomorrow; I already did most of it :)

Luckily, everything else can be postponed :)

Furthermore... I'm freaking tired. Honestly. But that is about all, swimming classes went okay. There was something else I wanted to say, but I forgot. Lemme think...

Nopes, can't remember. Maybe later :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

What the heck?

It seems I have a good night followed by a bad night followed by a medium night followed by a worse night ¬¬. I did feel sick during the night (I know what I ate last night; nothing special) and I am still feeling sick but still... In my dreams I was terribly sick, throwing up over and over again...
Funny thing, it did make me feel better in real life XD Isn't that easy? Throwing out anything bad without having to clean up? I approve!

I also dreamed I was at a party with my sister and a friend. And someone else, with a wheelchair... She seemed like a mix from 3 people I know; none are in a wheelchair. Anyway, in my dream, Johnny Depp (as Jack Sparrow) visited my house twice, because of my sister, who was a big fan (not in real life O.o). We all acted silly and he just listened intrested.

But why him? I haven't seen/heard anything Pirates of the Carribian lately. At least, not enough to make me dream about him O.o And the reason for his visit was...?

Gaaaaah, I confuse myself!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another day has passed

There is not much to tell. I worked yesterday, updated my sites yesterday... Again I wanted to watch a movie, but again something came inbetween. That was all.

Oh yeah, and swimming class happened. Oooh, the nerve some people have! I told him that the techniques of the kids were good enough, but that they lack the stamina to do the full programme. I trained their stamina each and every week! He hardly ever came! And then he says:

"Have you even worked on their stamina?" (is that grammatically correct?)

I was like: 'Excuse me? YOU were the one who said I should work on their techniques and NOT their stamina, yet I kept on working on their stamina EACH AND EVERY FREAKING WEEK!'

*huffs, puffs*

But I just kept on smiling and said: "Yes, of course!"

Oh, and I truely HATE it when people are ungrateful. Not going to say anything more about that, but ungratefulness is something that makes my friendship-meter drop a lot.

So, now I'll focus on positive things again.

And how to get a Pen-i idea XD

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That was a nice night =D

Ooh, I slept niiiiiice! Okay, the dream itself wasn't too peachy, but I found my rest. Has been a while since I slept that good XP

Anyway, first the dream, before I forget about it. I dreamed I was at the swimming exams and that I got into a fight with my mom about one of the kids. In my dream it was also discovered he was being abused by his parents, which is absolutely nonesense in real life. His father looked like a mix between a ZZ-top member and a Biker Dude, while I have seen his father and he looks nothing alike XD So, why, dream, why?
Anyway, afterwards I went home on my bike, but took a shortcut through the parc (I NEVER do that; especially not when I'm alone at night!) and I stumbled upon an accident near a farm (somehow 'chickens' pop into my head all of a sudden...) and when I tried to call for help, everyone was too busy. I dailed the emergency number myself, but kept on ending up at a company the people in the accident worked for.
I found out there was a plot... a plot to kill someone...
I hid with some people underneath a stairway, but they betrayed me and left me behind. The boss would deal with me later (I'm suddenly thinking 'arranged wedding'? What the heck?!)

I woke up about that time, but the dream doesn't feel unfinished :) Not really exciting.

Other than that, because my head was buzzing like crazy last night, I decided to watch 'The Magic Sword'. Suddenly I got a LOT of inspiration! Yay! Hurray! While the movie was enjoyabe, it was too superficial. Whenever they could have added some depth, they simply avoided that. But, I wouldn't mind seeing that movie again :)

Well, that was it. I gotta get to work :) People immediately recognised my new bike because I always put my bike at the same spot XP. I'm such a habit-creature

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Whoa... sleepy XD

Everyone I know slept like hell last night XD Yes, there was a thunderstorm, but that was not the reason. I mean, I hardly heard it. It must have been the shifting weather. I'm quite sensitive to that. Ears hurt and all...

Work didn't feel that long today. But nothing happened, so I have no idea for a Pen-i yet... again... The most intresting things are happening to me on friday and I'll be home late... so maybe I can't make it until saturday XP Luckily it often gets posted in the weekend.

I'm soooo tired and my brain feels like raging bees, so I'll might take the night off and let my brain calm down :)

Try not to miss me!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why, Monday, why?

Why is work so slow on a monday? Or a tuesday, as a matter of fact. Time was sooooo crawling today. No idea why, but it was annoying. Very. Oh, and why a second post today? Well, I couldn't take it any more.

After about 10 years.... Kitty got herself a new bike. A truely new one! Always having a second hand (except my first bike), this time I went for a shiney new one!

And it's blue too! Blue with silver and a dash of yellow. It was bike-store number 5 and we will have to return for an extra lock on saturday. Oh, and thieves, no worries, I still have plenty of locks in my home >=D Chains, cables... trust me... besides, on wednesday I'll probably go to swimming class on my old bike anyway XP Until I have my new lock, of course. And the swimming season is over in about 4 weeks anyway. No wait; 3.

And now onwards, to the other computer, for Okúta!!

He told me not to get on...

He told me not to get on that train. He told me it was the wrong one. But I didn't listen... I just didn't listen and...

Maybe I should start with the beginning. This morning, I dreamed one of the most complicated dreams ever; with flashbacks and all. I'll try to make it organised for you.

There was a secret agency that kept Aliens for research. Kinda like Area 51, in all those movies. Anyway,the agency often had visitors, but wiped the minds clean after each visit, ala Men in Black. Two boys wanted to avoid that and with the help of a girl, they created special contact lenses. The girl didn't appear any more in the movie.

During the tour, the boys left the group and stumbled upon a real alien, who wanted to get out. Someone I got involved as well. With our help, the alien fled, we ... fainted?... and the researchers used their flashy things on us (being totally angry with us). When we woke up, one of the boys had forgot all, but the other one and me still remembered! And I suddenly wore a set of contact lenses. The alien had switched them when we were out before he left.

When the researchers found out, they send a lot of guards to capture that boy and me, since we knew all! We fled, and in my dream, a lot of people I know appeared; all of them as guards. There was also a killer elevator, number 13. You know that an elevator stops or doesn't go if someone is stuck between the doors? This elevator did and killed 2 people... so ew!

We went from first floor to top floor, and back again. Eventually I got the bright idea to take the elevator to the second floor, instead of the first, so we only had one floor to pass. On that floor, a lot of students were present, acting as guards. Again a lot of people I knew.
We took the stairs outside and finally managed to leave the building. We fled to a train station that was nearby and I got on the first train I saw.

He told me not to go on, he said it was the wrong train. I didn't care, I just wanted to get out. He tried to pull me out, but the doors closed... and I was locked in a train with students who reported me to their superiors... I had no where to run and the other passengers seemed to think I was a murderer.

And then I woke up...

Why didn't I listen to that boy? He always listened to me; why didn't I listen to him? I wonder for the dream would have progressed... maybe he saved me; maybe my mind would get wiped. Maybe my mind would get wiped, or so they thought, and I would pretend not to know anything any more...
I would have loved to see the end of this dream...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iz Zunday!

Today is sunday. What a surprise XD And it came right after saturday too!

Not much happened; last night I posted 2 images in my gallery. While they have an immensely high view count for the first day, they hardly have any comments O.o . I bet a lot of people think my Naraku is the Naraku from Inu Yasha. Some 'Inu Yasha Lover 12367' person added a drawing of Naraku to his 'Naraku from Inu Yasha' folder. I don't know much about Inu Yasha, but I believe my Naraku is FEMALE XD Some people simply don't watch before they click XP

Other than that: been writing today. It goes slow, while I have been looking forward to these chapters. I don't know why; maybe I'm just not in the mood or expected more of it. I dunno. Oh well, I have about 3 episode after this one to fill and then I'm truely fresh out of ideas XD

We'll see, we'll see... It's really ew weather today; the humidity is quite high and my ears hurt due to the air pressure. I have quite sensitive ears; I can feel air pressure changes XD Usually it helps me predict the weather, but I've been wrong more than once XD

Oh well, I'm gonna post some more at Gaia Online and finish up this chapter... and then will start looking in books for inspiration for Sushi =D. Clothes, I mean. For the character Sushi XD

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Iz Zaturday

When I got my Cintiq, about 6-8 people immediately said: "So, now you have a tablet you probably won't use any more, eh?" Well, guess again! BEST MOUSE EVER! Seriously, way better than a laptop touchpad or seperate mouse. Things go way, way faster now :)

Anyway, I slept like hell. I was probably worried about Swimming Classes, since today was the day I had to tell the kids if they could go to the exam or not. I did it completely different than other times, but it worked well. I know a lot of kids were disappointed, but it's for the best. I'm very proud of 1 child, because she herself thought it was better to redo the programme again. Re-doing is not terrible (heck, I had to re-do 1 diploma's programma at least 10 times XD), but I can understand the disappointment.

With her, the problem was that both teachers (someone else and me), seriously doubted with her. If she would go to the exam, she would be one of the worst, and most defenitely have to redo the next diploma-class at least twice. Now she will stick around one more period and who knows, maybe she will even surpass her sister (who was doing the same class as her). She is very inteligent and you can really explain with words what is going wrong with her, so I'm very proud of her ^_^ It's simply for the best...

Besides, one period is about 10-12 weeks, so about 20-24 classes. It's not that long. It's more often the parents who disagree, not the children.

So, I worried for nothing... or maybe everything went well because I worried? I don't know XD

Anyway, I FINALLY finished the TRSE-drawing in the to do list and will touch it up shortly. No, you won't see it first ^_^ The person who this drawing is for will XP MUAHAHAHA

Friday, June 12, 2009

The sun comes up.... (Day 5)

I survived my first week of work! *does a victory pose* Today didn't go that great. Not because of the customers, but because I suddenly didn't feel well any more. I don't know what it was. So, I took some more mini-breaks than usual, but then again, the rest of the week went fine, so it should compensate.
I didn't want to go home early because I only had to work 3.5 hours today and calling in sick for 2 hours while I'm most likely feeling peachy again later today is pointless. Too much work for any of the parties.

That, and I had to call people. First someone who called me (a voice research programme; gonna go there next friday) and then the payment line... but no one was there. I can call again on monday (something seems to have gone wrong with my payment)

Other than that, slept like a rock again. I don't know why, but all my dreams have sad understones lately. I don't remember the dream though. Oh wait, something is coming back... being in the ocean, diving towards the bottom of the ocean (with scuba equipment; mine didn't work great but I managed to stay calm), ending up in a piramid (at the bottom of the ocean), finding a ghost who was named E.T. (I so dislike that movie XD; my ghost was a cute pumpkin head - white body stereotype ghost; it appeared in a cartoon series once) and sleeping in the garden while it was raining like hell...
Weird... yeah...

Well, I guess that was all. Today I will sort out my art again (trust me, that's a LOT of work) plus I want to finish the TRSE image. Dunno if I'll be succesful, but luckily neither have to be due today.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Morning Day 4

Well, today is my first evening shift since... well... since before my vacation XP. There isn't much to tell; I 'just' woke up.

I did sleep like a rock and my dreams included espionage and being undercover as a child! Oh, and the most impressive part:

The middle of the night
Light vaguely from behind
Mist dancing around....
And an immensive herd of huge elephants walking towards me! The silhouettes (hate that word) were quite scary, but in my dream they also passed me, having only a few metres distance between us.

Oh, and hiding behind a rack of coats... what the heck was that thing doing there anyway?!... in my dream quite effective, but I doubt it's effective in real life XP

Also, last night I watched 2 recorded episodes from McLeod's Daughters. Seriously, I saw it coming with Alex. When he stepped out of the airplane, I already knew what was going to happen. It's getting predictable XP.

My dad sometimes thinks I can see things coming. In my first book, I described that if you take water from other places to water your fields/area/whatever, it would be terrible for nature and that the land would completely dry out.
Right after my 1st book was released, America said they would take water from one place, to hydrate a place that was about to become a desert... meaning they would turn the other place into a desert! Stealing water...
I wrote the story about 3-4 years before book 1 appeared.

In my second book I wrote about corruption and how the visit of one was the turning point, causing corrupt people to 'flee', saying it was time for 'fresh blood' to be in the council. According to my dad, such a thing is now happening in England.
I wrote that story about 3-4 years before book 2 appeared (since it's due july 2nd)

And then we have the incident with my sister. I dreamed on the 7th of May (posted that dream on Gaia Online at 11:30 in the morning!) she would get her child, but she was due the 18th. I hadn't talked to her for weeks and at 11:30 in the evening... she had her child...

I still believe all of this is coincidence. I simply refuse to believe I can predict the future XD or that I'm psychic. I may be crazy, but I don't see things happening XD. At least, I hope not. I'd be scared to dream or write stories, afraid it would come true...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stardate SGZ089-Day 3

I actually only have 30 more minutes to post this blog entry AND post some more at Gaia Online. Hurry-hurry!

Work: Same as ever. I honestly didn't miss a thing. Got a big complainer today, who will probably kick herself by now, finding out it's honestly her mistake and not ours. I mean, if you don't pay...

Website: Played around with http://studiotsunami.keep-in-mind.nl as well as updated it, so go and see!

Also, finally did the Pen-i from my 2do list!

Oh, and since when does Portuguese look like Dutch? It's not even close; language wise XD. Portuguese is closer to Spanish or even Italian, but absolutely not Dutch XD

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Captain's Log; Day 2 of Work

Seriously, nothing changed at work while I had my vacation. Absolutely nothing. And, as predicted, the complainers about nothing appeared today. Really, if something goes wrong, you have the right to complain and then we all even agree with you! But more than once the true complainers are patient and kind, while the 'no right to complain' people scream the loudest. "Why do I get a reminder-invoice; I paid yesterday evening! Well, you SHOULD have processed it within those 8 hours normal people sleep!"

And no, this is not THAT dramatised. Some people think payments can get processed completely within an hour. After all, if the money has been deducted, it must mean we've received AND processed it! *sarcasm + rolls eyes*. Some people should get a sense of reality.

No, my reality is not the best example XD. The dream last night... an Invasion, Slavery, a Party, a Contest... and yes, in that order. And the dream was in brown/sepia tones. Never before did I recall a colourscheme of a dream. Intresting.

Asides that, I slept like hell. I think I ate something wrong at my meeting last night. Nothing tasted funny, but I know my body; the anti-bodies were working overtime. I did feel bad in the morning (mostly because of the lack of sleep), but it all faded away during the day. I feel fine now. Do need to get to bed in time though XD Yawn!

Oh, and at work, people think I'm strangely silent all of a sudden. I dunno, I feel like being a newbie and an oldie at the same time. Plus, what do I have to tell? I cut my hair, I worked on my book... that's about it. Seriously, what did you all expect? A day to day report?

"Well, I wrote stories... and stories... and stories... oh yeah, and I wrote stories... but that day I skipped!"

Yeah, so intresting... seriously....

I seem to be fond of the word seriously today. I had that a few days ago with Absoflutelutely.

I am weird.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Day #1 of Work - NeoStyle

(Just a fancy title, nothing important XD)

Yesterday I managed to do quite a lot from my list, but not everything. It was a bit of an unrealistic one XD. Since I already almost have to leave (45 minutes?) I doubt I'll be able to do much more from yesterday's list. Luckily there's no deadline XP.

Today I went back to work and guess what: life just moved on without me XP Half of the people didn't even notice I had a haircut. Half of my friends hardly noticed either ¬¬. Or they said they did notice it, but thought it was nothing special. 40 centimetres people! That's really a lot that has been cut off! Seriously! Oi....

Other than that, same old, same old. Less people who complain about nothing though, that's a plus =D But don't worry, the week is still fresh and young! They shall come =D They always come! They won't less us down =D

Weather is sunny and cold. Atchoo. No fun.

So, ehm... cookie anyone? I got one left; first come, first served!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

2do or not 2do

I noticed having a 2do list helps me, especially if this 2do list is online XP Not only that, it helps me returning to this blog =D So, I'm gonna do it more often =D.

Other than that: just woke up. Had a sad dream about broken promises and people lying to me, while all they wanted to do is protect me... But since they never told me, I never knew.

Also watched The Girl with the Pearl Earring last night; I must admit that it looks quite realistic, but it's super made up XD Made up quite well though!

Anyway, gonna work a lot today, do lotsa stuff. Who knows if I'll make another blogpost tonight. Or put it in tomorrow's report. Blogs are meant to be fun! No pressure =D

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Today is closing to its end...

First of all: I SERIOUSLY HATE it when people switch channels JUST before a movie ends. Like, 20 seconds before 'the end' appears, or during the credits. Yes, chances are big nothing happens, but chances exist something DOES happen. I want to see a movie from beginning to end, inclusing the weird/shocking/funny/absolutely NOT funny parts that are hidden before the credits, during the credits or after the credits. You don't put the TV 20 seconds before a soccer (or any other sports-) match ends either, do you? So why put a movie out 20 seconds before it ends?! GAAAAH!

As for today, it was an okay day. Had a family day which was... family-y. A shop-employee tried to pull a prank on me today, which I countered unexpectedly for him.

*after buying something* Me: Could I have the receipt as well?
Shop-employee (guessing 18 years old; guy): Of course, that would be euro 1,- extra.
*knowing that is absolute b*llsh*t XP* Me: Can I also pay with an enchanting smile?
Shop-employee (a bit thrown off and laughing): Miss, you completely made my day!
Me: Shall I make it a double one then?

That was fun ^_^. Too bad he was probably way too young for me XP

Friday, June 05, 2009

Silence or not?

There WAS nothing to tell... until our freezer broke down. Now we have a lot of food we need to eat/bake today, in order for it not to get spoiled. I know, the freezer was over 10 years old, maybe even 20, but still...

I am not happy.

At all.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Nothing to tell, move along

I honestly have nothing to tell today. I wrote a chapter I wanted to write, but now I'm fresh out of ideas. I need about 2 episodes before I can write a chapter I want and then I need 2 more episodes before I can write another chapter I want. I don't want them to be completely useless filler episodes, so I'll take my time. Wrote plenty the past few weeks and will start drawing after this message.

Oh yeah, and I SERIOUSLY hate it when people call on the early morning when I'm trying to SLEEP! I'd give that person the cellphone number of the person she needed, but that would be plain cruel to the person who she'd get the number from.

Maybe I should 'accidentally' change our house number as well ¬¬. We still get fax-machines who want to call us... for over 5 years now! Hasn't any of them learned by now that we are not the company they are looking for?! *hisses*

And then those stupid kids ring the doorbell; if we have 'wheelies'; little plastic stuff kids get as a bonus when (parents are) doing groceries. I still think that's so rude; walking to a stranger's house, ringing the doorbell and begging for stuff. Plus it's dangerous; who knows who might open the door?! Parents, teach your kids some manners and safety rules!!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hurry, hurry!

I have about 15 minutes before I have to leave for swimming class, so let's NOT make a whole story about yesterday and today, but a nice to the point list:

  • Yesterday I went shopping with my mom. We had a lot of gift certificates for DVDs, so rest assure, we've got plenty to see till the year 2015! I also shipped my package, but appearantly I was the only one using the Economy service (I rather spend that money on gifts!), so they cancelled it ¬¬. Only plusside is that it now arrives a lot faster (Priority-shipment)
  • My niece, sister and husband came by for my dad's birthday. My niece slept all evening and I think she slept while she drank her bottle XP She never wants to burp with me, though XD
  • Slept okay. Nothing to tell
  • Went to Utrecht with Uumie today; had loads of fun! I had forgotten how much fun we always have... though I think we both were pretty tired XP. I dunno why I was tired though XD. Bought new manga and FINALLY found the VGA-splitter. Also bought some more DVDs.

That was about it, I guess. Oh yeah, and I drew yesterday (see http://kittyocean.deviantart.com) and updated the Studio Tsunami/Forever Young/Serenay Moon site: http://studiotsunami.keep-in-mind.nl. Tonight I will go to Gaia Online XP Let's not forget that! And tomorrow: Writing again! Hurray!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Last week of freedom

It's my last week of freedom and I can't seem to sleep longer than 7 a.m.. That's even shorter than when I have to leave for work! Am I crazy?!

Other stuff... nothing actually. I hope to do some drawing today. I want to make reference pictures for my characters, but poses... I know, the poses don't have to be cool/energetic/awesome, but still... they shouldn't be boring either!

I might have an idea for Pen-i, but since I'm going to shop today, I'll postpone it a bit. Plus my sister will come over for a visit. Yay!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Break time!

A break? What does that mean? Anyway, my parents are on their way home from their vacation in France. They should arrive in about 4-5 hours, but I just know they'll be safe.

Other than that, I decided to take a break from writing Forever Young. Mainly because I'd be forcing myself then. I don't want to write filler episodes, I want to write real episodes!
So, I filled my day working on the Studio Tsunami site. No, it's not updated yet, but it will soon!

I already finished the Keep In Mind section (2 pages XD) and am about halfway with the 'Other' section. What remains is pretty big and I think I'm gonna ask my co-writers to chip in a bit XP Even if it means gathering links for the art there was made!

After this post, I will start updating the FY profiles; which are pretty much outdated. A lot changed since the site began, so some make no sense at all any more. I should be able to update the first 4 ones of Eternity and update the others a bit. I don't think I made new art, but that of course will be checked!

It seems like I did nothing today, but it was pretty much!