Hello, Reality. Hello, Life. Hello, World.
May I have a word with you? I'd like to introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. Maybe you can visit them, because they seem to have never met you guys.
Like the one who keeps on dwelling in the past.
Or the one who can't take a compliment.
Or the one who thinks the Netherlands is filled with stupid people.
Or the one who thinks I could never understand the pressure he/she/it is under.
Or the one who believes an insane person over the words that come out of my mouth.
Oh wait, there's 2 people who are like that.
Or the one who thinks I don't see through his/her/its lies.
Or the one who never heard of the word 'thank you.'
Or the one who has never learned how to be grateful.
You see, I want to stay their friend, but I have this little nag for wanting something in return. A sense of reality. A bit of understanding. Being grateful for what I'm doing for that person. And accepting that what I say could be truth.
Truely, I love my friends, but these people (won't tell how much people I'm talking about) make it harder and harder for me to talk to them.
And just to be certain: I am NOT talking about my friend La Uum. She's always there for me. And so is Rocket Stevo. Those two are the best friends a person could wish. They listen to me when I'm having issues and do their best to make me happy. And in return, I try to give them the same back. Even if they have little time, they try to make time for me. Those few moments we spend together, being it online or in real life, are always precious.
Please take care of them, Life.
Please look after them, Reality.
Please protect them, World.
And if you find some time, do take a moment to kick some of my friends on their behinds. They so need to get to know you.
(If you think this rant is about you... I won't tell you if it is about you or not. Most of my friends are NOT like above, but if I name all those who aren't like this, the ones who are like this will find it out like that. Also, I have a LOT of friends, online and offline. Anyway, now you know what I 'expect' of my friends. It isn't much; honestly. If you think this is too much...)
*gives you a standing ovation*
Thank you XD But I should give YOU one instead!
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